Catch Me If You Can | Quicksilver/Protection

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Catch Me If You Can | Quicksilver/Protection v1.0 520 455 28 1.0
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damondietz · 38

Mulligans are very important. Here’s a rough priority order of what should be kept.

Armored Vest Friction Resistance Accelerated Reflex Hyper Perception Serval Industries

LOCAL MAN LITERALLY TOO FAST TO DIE Much has been made of Quicksilver’s strength, of his one-turn-kills and his Jarnbjorn combo craziness. He’s fired up deckbuilding all across the community as we all search desperately for new ways to break him. Dozens of damage in a turn, 7 readies at a time- it’s all possible with Quicksilver, and he’s one of those characters where a passing glance is all it takes to realize that you can build some absolutely crazy decks with him.

He is all those things and more, but there’s more going on than meets the eye with the silver speedster.

See, unlike previous top-tier heroes in Champions, like Captain America, Black Widow, and Dr. Strange, Quicksilver doesn’t often have games where he’s on near-autopilot with little fear of losing, and that first look at his 15 doesn’t really tell the whole story. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear lots of reports in the coming months of new players hearing wild tales about how strong Pietro can be, going home to sleeve him up, and then finding themselves careening into a wall at max speed.

I know I did.

This isn’t, then, one of those insane combo decks that has the potential to trivialize the game and render it fairly boring for the other players at the table. Those decks are already all over this website, crafted by some very fine (and maybe luckier than me?) people. Much has been written of Quicksilver’s insanely high ceiling.

No, this is about raising his floor. It’s a treatise on how to lose as little as possible with Quicksilver. And played correctly…this deck is very good at not losing.

WHAT IS THE PROBLEM, MR. GERMAN Ah yes, the problem. If you expected me to say “It’s the 9 HP”, you’re not wrong, exactly? But it’s also a bit of an oversimplification.

(Also, as an aside, I’m about to talk for an, uh, extended length of time about modes of play and the finer details about Quicksilver’s weaknesses. I wouldn’t spend so much time on this section if I didn’t find it important. I want to talk at length about what can go wrong with Quicksilver so that you can have a really solid sense of where the pitfalls are. Here’s what I’ve found…)

With a huge portion of the player base considering true solo their primary mode of playing Champions, I have a hard time publishing any deck without feeling good about it’s ability to handle being alone. I would hate for a solo player to give one of my builds a spin and come away unsuccessful because I didn’t do my homework.

So yeah, make no mistake that true solo mode was the entire reason that this deck took me two months of off and on testing to finalize, with me trying out every single aspect along the way.

In two handed solo or with a buddy, the issues are greatly minimized. If Quicksilver has even a moderately competent partner, he is pretty much at Dr. Strange levels of “slot whatever cards you want, you’re going to be fine.” In solo, however, there’s an interesting problem going on that’s hard to pin down, and it might cause many players to lose and never really understand what they could have done differently.

It’s less a squishiness problem and more an issue of, ironically, tempo.

To really keep pace with the game’s ever-toughening rogue’s gallery, Quicksilver basically has to hard-prioritize anything that upgrades his stats. Sure, he can zip two threat or drop two damage from turn one, but Always Be Running makes up a tenth of his deck, and only getting single digit efficiency off of it feels abysmal. Cards that boost stats can't be missed, which means that Friction Resistance is critical. Even assuming the essential cards get distributed well throughout the deck- not stuck at the bottom, not all grouped together- you still have to pay for them, and they’re just expensive enough that Quicksilver often can’t do very much else on his turn when he drops one, especially play something that could handle an immediate threat. I guess it’s thematic that this all can be summarized with “You gotta go fast”.

This huge pressure to set up makes your first pass through the deck very fragile, and this is where that 9 HP starts looking less like a stat and more like a clock. While Quicksilver builds up, he is exceptionally vulnerable to losing the board, often winding up dead or so drowned in side schemes and baddies that there’s no hope of recovering.

Testing against Expert Klaw, Kang, and Mutagen Formula, I was just losing in solo way too much with most of my early builds to really feel good about a list. In fact, I was bound and determined to publish an Aggression build for Quicksilver and just couldn’t find a way to make it sturdy enough in true solo. These villains were outpacing the guy with super speed. It felt bad.

So for this deck I decided to sacrifice a little bit of the crazy combo potential, and truthfully, while it makes the final turns less ridiculous, it doesn’t make the feel of playing Quicksilver any less fantastic. The fantasy we’re going for here- zooming around the battlefield as a nigh-invincible blur- feels authentic to the character in a way that I really love.

It’s become…my favorite deck in Marvel Champions.

MY 5-DAY GREEN JUICE FAST EXPERIENCE The above sentence is one of the things that comes up when you google “green fast”. Nobody said my jokes were good.

Anyway, there’s a couple of synergies that are informing this particular build.

Maximum Velocity, our best card, is more than just a crazy combo closer- don’t sleep on that +2 DEF. Combined with our DEF upgrades and ways to draw into more damage mitigation, it gives you incredible breathing room. You’re going to be mostly untouchable anyway, but having Maximum Velocity in hand means you’re virtually guaranteed to come out of the Villain phase without a scratch. Take advantage of that to get a critical upgrade down, and never ever flip down to Alter-Ego on a turn where you’ve played Maximum Velocity. Use that DEF. Stuns and damage reduction are easy to come by in this deck, and often it can be overkill, but going overboard on survival skills is hugely beneficial to this character. Quicksilver needs guaranteed time to get his critical pieces down. It turns out cards that benefit from the player exhausting to DEF become really good when you’re guaranteed to do that every turn. That’s right- in case you missed it, Quicksilver does indeed get a free ready every Villain phase, which is insane no matter what, but reaches it’s full potential when that DEF exhaust is being milked for tons of extra value. So this is the gameplan- use our insane survivability to guarantee the unbeatable Quicksilver late game comes to pass. As you gain speed, one of the interesting things that you’ll find is that with Friction Resistance and Quincarrier down, plus steady drips of draw with Unflappable, you won’t often feel very pressed about how to pay for those inevitable huge turns. Your player turns often don’t require all that much in the way of cards, and that’s why Protection is so amazing for us.

See, one of the usual downsides to playing green is that you usually start your player turns with fewer cards. Here, the benefits we get from our resource generators and readying often means we don’t need a full hand to let our basic stats do their job. Quicksilver is able to run really lean once he’s set up.

And remember that literally the only thing Quicksilver needs to do to get set up, and therefore to win, is to stay alive. Once there, he will eventually build up so much speed that the victory is inevitable. After all, the sheer number of things you can do in both the Player and Villain phases means you’re playing almost twice as much game as someone else would.

Be aware that you’re going to have hands packed full of “useless” defense cards from time to time. In multiplayer it’s less bad, because all these options let you easily defend for the entire table. In solo, if you’re frustrated because you have too many survival cards in your hand and the Villain already can’t hit you, allow me to tell you that you’d MUCH RATHER it be like this than the alternative.

Be patient. You will win the long game.

BULLET TIME Now you know the roadmap. Time to start running down the road.

We’ll talk about mulligans below, but suffice to say that knowing your priorities is important- it might surprise you to learn Armored Vest is more essential early than Friction Resistance. Once you have both Vest and Accelerated Reflex down your game really begins. Pitching your other important 1x cards to get your DEF up is okay if it has to happen- but having those cards in the discard does mean that Serval Industries has to be played when you see it. Quicksilver’s Hero cards are our most important ones, so let Serval save you from your rough draws. Never Back Down is a fantastic card made even better on turns where you played Maximum Velocity. If you draw them both at once, consider prioritizing saving Never Back Down for the next Villain turn. “If the Villain does less than 7 damage to me, they’re going to be stunned” is a pretty dope spot to be in. We’re in green, so even with Quicksilver's inherent flexibility THW can still be a problem. I find that I usually Double Time for straight up 4 threat and try to prioritize threat control with my Maximum Velocity plays as well. Allies should be controlling threat almost exclusively- especially our secret weapon, Brother Voodoo. A Brother Voodoo appearance! We’ve got 17 events, so his chances of missing are pretty slim. He’s also got 2 THW, and you shouldn’t let the double consequential damage scare you. You won’t often need blockers, so if Jericho draws you a solid event, thwarts for 2, and then kills himself next turn getting another 2 threat off the board, you can safely call that a win. He’s fantastic for us. As for dear you leave Scarlet Witch on the board for Superpowered Siblings? Probably not. We want to use her to get the most out of her THW, and we’re also going to try our best in general to spend as little time in Alter-Ego as possible. Superpowered Siblings, our Alter-Ego ability, is mostly a setup ability in this deck with a great filtering bonus when we need to flip down for a Down Time boosted REC. Adrenaline Rush and Civic Duty get the slots here because they cost 1 (our favorite number thanks to Friction Resistance), they boost our stats (no comment), and they give us access to stat burst to either close the game or keep threat under control. Learning when to actually put them down is a little tough, but don’t underestimate them. Also worth noting that in general, as the game goes on Civic Duty gets less valuable and Adrenaline Rush gains value. Your mulligans are very important. Here’s a rough priority order of what should be kept.

Armored Vest Friction Resistance Accelerated Reflex Hyper Perception Serval Industries Finally, the elephant in the room- 3 whole copies of Counter-Punch, a card I’ve gone to bat for several times (to questionable results) but which is absolutely unimpeachable here. For a character built around basic stats, a cheap card that utilizes two stats at once is drop-dead amazing. Once you too have tasted the glory of Counter-Punching (for 0!) to prevent 5 damage and deal 4 back on a Maximum Velocity turn, you’ll never consider taking it out. It’s one of our strongest game-closers.

GONE IN 60 SECONDS I was excited about playing Quicksilver from the moment he was spoiled, and despite the pains it took me to feel confident with this build, I wasn’t let down.

His aspect flexibility is going to be amazing in multiplayer, and I’m sure better deck scientists than I will find lots of great decks for him in true solo. For me, this is the first deck that let me truly start enjoying the extent of what he can do, and as challenging as it’s been to feel like it’s done, I’m very happy with where it’s ended up.

Whether you’re a Quicksilver pro, or are trying him for the first time, I hope you enjoy playing this deck too. It’s not every day you get to feel like nothing can slow you down or even touch you with just some cardboard on a table.

And that, among other things, is why we play Champions.

28 comments Feb 23, 2021neothechosen · 9491 Yesss!! Glad to see I'm not alone who thinks that Counter-Punch is a solid include for Quicksilver. I actually run a similar deck, I think yours is probably more polished.

Good job as usual!

Feb 24, 2021adsarf · 310 I had a similar approach in my Quicksilver deck because I also find that surviving to the end game is more the challenge. I can understand why you have chosen more defence events over my use of Med Team, but why not include Electrostatic Armor? It seems to fit well into a deck like this.

Feb 24, 2021ImpossibleGerman · 13605 @adsarfElectrostatic is the “41st” card in the deck. It came out and in many times. I basically kept finding myself not playing it when it came into my hand, as it was just usually the least important upgrade I had the option for. If you want to run it, I’d suggest swapping it out for Blockingbird or running it as card 41.

Feb 24, 2021adsarf · 310 Is it really less useful than the second Adrenaline Rush? I guess I must be underestimating that card.

Thanks for the insight

Feb 24, 2021DualPlayer · 1 @ImpossibleGermanFirst off thank you for another brilliant written guide to your Decklist.

I got a few questions. As my nick spoilers I like to play two player and I’m asking myself if Quincarrier outshines Helicarrier also in this scenario, because you can’t help your partner with it.

My second point is about Side Step. Is it correct, that you can save trigger your Unflappable with it, if you are caught off guard by an booster? Isn’t it a problem that it thins your hand for the next turn?

And at last, do you think Indomitable has in multiplayer a place in this deck for more defending and getting more often ready?

Hope I didn’t went to ham on my first post.

Feb 25, 2021neothechosen · 9491 @adsarf depends on you perspective for Adrenaline Rush... I use it in my deck ( on occasions where I can punch a few times during my turn then Counter-Punch afterwards... you basically double its value. I noticed your deck does not include Counter-Punch so it's probably less valuable in this case.

I do include Electrostatic Armor though. It's a no-brainer that you're going to block as Quicksilver, so I get dmg out of it, plus it helps against tough.

Feb 25, 2021neothechosen · 9491 @adsarf well actually what I said makes no sense... Adrenaline Rush isn't active until en d of round, but end of phase, I apologize.

OK, so I really need to get through all the cards and study them... who knows how many more mistakes I'll make today???

Feb 25, 2021ImpossibleGerman · 13605 @DualPlayer Your first questions are actually connected- Quincarrier can pay for Side Step which helps if you ever need to use it to save an Unflappable trigger, and that interaction does work. Quincarrier->Side Step is also helpful to use Side Step like to, which is actually against minions, where it can usually nullify their entire attack without exhausting to DEF. In that instance, the wild resource triggers Side Step no problem.

As for Indomitable, it does feel weird to run Protection without it, but it certainly does feel a bit like overkill even in multiplayer. In multiplayer, chump blocking for other players comes into play a lot more. Frankly I never tested Indomitable here, but the cardpool expands and green gains ways to bait attacks, they might make some sense in the future.

Feb 25, 2021adsarf · 310 @neothechosen Thanks for your comment. My only reason for leaving out Counter-Punch was that a zero-cost card felt like wasting the potential of Friction Resistance. It certainly wasn't any deep insight of mine!

Feb 25, 2021josseroo · 460 Thanks for the very thorough write-up. It was a great read, with lots "why" questions getting answered. I'm curious if a second copy of Armored Vest might be justified based on how high a priority you put on getting it out in the early game?

Feb 26, 2021journeyman2 · 17161 I would never have thought to run Counter-Punch with Quicksilver. Amazing, looking forward to testing!

Mar 08, 2021Beardy_McMarvel · 1383 Thanks for this deck! Not so much the deck per say, but for your write up. All your decks are brilliantly written up and clearly tested properly! Love it! Keep up the great work!

Mar 09, 2021StuWal19 · 1 Hard for me to exclude Iron Fist from any of my Protection Build he always does the business for me. I also play with all 3 adrenaline rushes for the big turn at the end of your deck with several always be running cards. Its strange that you did not include nerves of steel. I think will all the 1 cost defense events this has huge value. I sometimes have 2 in my deck to make sure I get down early.

agreed with everyone on counter punch it is finally a good card. I also play it with spider women but that's about it.

Mar 10, 2021ImpossibleGerman · 13605 @StuWal19 Good thoughts, happy to walk through my reasoning. Both of those cards have the same problems- they are both expensive and redundant.

Never Back Down and Speed Cyclone mean that stuns are pretty easy to come by in this deck, so you don’t really want more, and Nerves of Steel is made a lot less appealing in a deck with Friction Resistance already cranking out your one cost cards.

Even 2 drops are just way harder with Quicksilver, who desperately needs his critical upgrades out ASAP to be able to survive. His ability to afford things is pretty great if you see Friction Resistance early, but for the games where it gets stuck at the bottom of your deck, super low cost curve is critical for Quicksilver.

Mar 11, 2021DualPlayer · 1 I tested a build on this base with Nerves of Steel and I used it in a Kang (The Conqueror) game two times. It felt very bad tbh. Friction Resistance does the job for the Bait and Switch and Never Back Down. There are 14 Protection Events at this point in the game. In this deck we have 5 to target at with Nerves of Steel and very likely u never have to bc of Friction Resistance.

Mar 12, 2021MathyNoodles · 48 Thanks so much for the amazing write-up! Just curious, have you tested Multiple Man or Bait and Switch out with this deck yet? They both seem preeeeetttyyyy good.

Mar 13, 2021ImpossibleGerman · 13605 @MathyNoodles 2x Bait and Switch has indeed replaced both copies of Civic Duty. Multiple Man is too pricy.

Mar 16, 2021flashburn · 1 Has anyone fought Zola solo with this build? I've tried twice, using Masters of Time modular set, and both times I got whooped. I just get overwhelmed with Minions, even after building up a bit. Too many HP, and too many Toughness abilities.

Mar 17, 2021ImpossibleGerman · 13605 @flashburn You are not the only one who’s had trouble with minions in solo, especially against Zola, who is by far Quicksilver’s worst matchup.

I’ve beaten it, but it took a couple tries, and I do think you probably have to get lucky a bit. I’d encourage you to clear minions early and often, not risking leaving one as an Unflappable battery or anything like that. Also, it’s not necessarily obvious which cards in this list are specifically meant to be minion tech- those cards are Side Step, Spider-Man, Counter-Punch, and Adrenaline Rush.

Prioritize keeping the board clear with those cards where you can, and good luck! Wins against Zola with this deck are always worth celebrating.

Mar 17, 2021flashburn · 1 @ImpossibleGerman Thanks for those tips! I wasn't sure if I was just being a noob, or what, but what you said makes a lot of sense. Before that I played against Klaw and while it was fairly close at times, in the end the momentum I built up was just incredible and a lot of fun.

With Zola, both games I wound up getting my Nemesis, the second one fairly time fairly early on, so it was (quickly) downhill from there. Luck definitely wasn't in my favor!

Jul 26, 2021trowa060 · 23 Deft Focus has to be an auto include for Quicksilver now since 13 of his 15 cards are super powers.

Aug 24, 2021Easternking · 1 Amazing deck and write up. I made the deck and played against Rhino. Missed loads of subtle interactions - re-read the your article. I won but if I had played for real I would have stormed it! Deft Focus is amazing. I missed he can defend without exhausting. Economy early on is hell but the slow build up later on into amazing turns is as you say the reason you play this game.

Dec 13, 2021takabrash · 1 Ooh this is a fun deck! I added in Deft Focus of course, but the rest is as-is for now. Just stomped Hela with Standard II

Mar 09, 2022Kevinjay21 · 1 Any chance of there being an update on this deck? There aren't very many up-to-date QS decks. What I've read from the comments are that Bait and Switch and Deft Focus should be included. Any others that look like a fit for this deck?

Mar 09, 2022StuWal19 · 1 @Kevinjay21 Vision offers a new protection card "flow like water" that should be a good fit depending on your build. After you play a defense card deal 1 damage to the attacking enemy. I like to play QS in a multi player games. I load him up with defense events (9-12) and activate twice during villain phase to help others stay in the fight. You get armor vest, his +1 Def card (2 cost), electrostatic armor, unflappable, and 3 hard to ignores (all 1 cost cards) with "flow like water" down you have so many free activations the whole game its broken. Regardless of taking damage you inflict two damage. If you don't take damage, which I rarely do, you add a card and 3 threat removed from main scheme. There is even an option to combo with endurance (basic) and dauntless (protection) to get one more retaliate for a total of 3 damage per defense card. QS does need to flip to use serval for that final stacked always be running hand. You put downtime down +5 recovery total your health should always be above his 9 HP. Let me know if there is anything I missed! Always looking for fresh ideas with Protection.

Apr 17, 2022Marctimmins89 · 270 Hi @ImpossibleGerman. Just wanted to post a big thank you for this deck list and write up. I rarely copy other people's decks but was struggling to build a Quicksilver Protection deck that worked and came across your excellent deck and (more importantly for me) outstanding explanation of how to pilot the deck and stay running long enough to win. Tonight I had a particularly enjoyable win against Red Skull and his Galactic Artifacts using my interpretation of your deck (have just published if you're interested). So thanks once again, really loved this one!

Sep 07, 2022XPGamer · 31 I'm a big fan of quicksilver decks and this one looks very good for a more offensive protection build and would be good for solo but I often play with others so I prioritize being able to defend for multiple people as I can rely on other to do the thwarting and attacking. So I would for a multiplayer game replace some allies(Nick fury and Ironheart) with some desperate defence so I could defend for more people. But I enjoy the concept, thanks.

Sep 29, 2022bafsparrow · 1 "...That’s right- in case you missed it, Quicksilver does indeed get a free ready every Villain phase, which is insane no matter what, but reaches it’s full potential when that DEF exhaust is being milked for tons of extra value."

Yep. Totally missed that. Thanks for pointing that out.