White Fox, My Beloved

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

thirteenwishes · 69

Stay alive long enough to end the game in one round.

This is the standard Protection IM shell with max Energy Armor/Forcefield Generator to max out on both tech upgrades and lightning resources. Play as many tech upgrades as fast as possible and get as big of a hand as soon as possible.

Defiance is used to help with keeping tech upgrades in play early, and helps with proccing Electrostatic Armor. You can use Repurpose here if that's more appealing, but it is not my play style. Victor Mancha and Night Nurse can also be changed as well, but they are very useful in keeping enemies at bay while you build up, with the status heal helping with thwarting as well to counter confusion, or in multiplayer to help others.

White Fox and Superpower Training are the major additions to this deck. ST is pretty much another tech upgrade, typically a discounted Mark V Armor.

White Fox might be the best thing to happen to Tony in a while. She can be discarded off of both Futurist and Repulsor Blast to thwart 1 and block. Lategame, it is possible to cycle her every second round, or every round with well drawn Repulsor Blasts.