Quickpool: Stick-To-Friction Resistance

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


This Deck was inspired by the incredible combo of Stick-To-Itiveness and Friction Resistance. One of the most challenging aspects of Quicksilver has been going into the Hero phase exhausted, but Stick-To-Itiveness solves that problem. And, if you also have friction resistance out, you can essentially start the phase with no hindrances. Not too mention the sheer amount of resources you get with Friction Resistance this way.

It's also fun thematically to play Tic-Tac-Toe and Blackout for some extra healing and threat removal with your extra resources from Quincarrier and Friction Resistance. The mental picture of Quicksilver running around and dealing with everything while playing some board games is pretty great.

Defensively, you can get up to a 3 defense once you have Accelerated Reflexes and Specialized Training out. I tend to pick Defensive Specialist as I'm getting a free defense every turn, but there are times that the other options may help more. Also, while you're setting up the defense, you have Healing Facor to keep you healthy (important to note that this version of healing factor works in Hero and Alter Ego forms.

Most games you'll start out a little squishy so you'll want to mulligan for Accelerated Reflexes, Healing Factor, or Maximum Velocity while you're waiting for the others.

As far as play, the first priority is to get as many upgrades in play as you can. Regarding allies, Deadpool and Blade will stay in play or you can chump with Deadpool in a pinch. Blade will keep your Earths Mightiest Heroes cards online. Deadpool will pick up slack while you're building but also building up acceleration tokens (when safe) for when you drop in your Laser Swords.

Speaking of Laser Swords, you'll want to hold on to them, Mulligan, and Live Dangerously with Plot Convenience. Dropping them in when it's important or cycling them as resources in your first deck pass.

As you're building you will undoubtedly have extra resources in your hand, with Quincarrier, and Friction Resistance. You can use these to manage health and threat through Tic-Tac-Toe and Blackout.

I have had a blast with this deck so far. So many options and seriously powerful. By far my favorite pool deck so far. I hope you enjoy it as well.