Panther King

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SamthemanGamgee · 1


Black Panther is the most versatile hero in the core set. his stats provide a range of options and his reactive ability of retaliate is fantastic. essentially if you use your ability to thwart for two and stay in hero form, you will still do damage to the villian (and any minions) when they attack you. Black Panther also has access to the most versatile set of resources. 3x of Vibranium and one of each of the basic resources allows you to pay for a ton of expensive cards. which leads intobthe style of this deck. I chose the leadership aspect because with the access to resources that BP has, you will have no trouble playing your allies.

Black Panther Strategy

get those upgrades! you'll start with at least one thanks to your alter ego. dont be afraid to play those Wakanda Forever! even if you only have one upgrade out. you will filter through the deck and play more later!

what upgrade do you get?

you have 4 choices of upgrades to pick at the start of the game, Vibranium Suit, Panther Claws, Tactical Genius, and Energy Daggers. don't take energy daggers normally (maybe in ultron multiplayer). tactical genius is okay in something like expert rhino, with breakin and takin in play, but that still isnt the best option in my opinion.

this leaves us with two options, the claws or the suit. the claws do massive damage if last in the cycle of abilities, and the suit lets us heal 2 and deal 2 if last. my go to is the suit. the ability to heal is fantastic in the long run of the game, and lets you stay in hero form for longer periods of time without having to flip and recover. recovering means you cant ise your hero's stats that turn to thwart and attack.and if you end your turn by recovering the villain will scheme. so i take the suit to stay in the action longer.


leadership is about taking control of your allies and using them to overcome any villain. allies are temporary characters that will help you accomplish the overarching goal of defeating the villain. only three alies can be in play at one time but the consequential damage they take for doing actions ensure you can play other allies later on. allies are great for defending once they have one hitpoint left. support them and they will take you far. Shuri is amazing and a great target for inspired due to her four hitpoints. use your allies to good use, and be smart with them. dont feel bad discarding one for a resource and a turn or so later playing them with Make the Call also keep in mind First Aid can heal allies!

thats the deck, now go defeat some villains!