Float like a butterfly sting like a venom punch

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Hammertime · 129

I’ve been playing Sinister Motives with the guys and absolutely loving Miles. Really getting used to the status card focused play (which was very different to playing a lot of Thor.

Anyhow, having the got the Psylocke deck, I was thinking, would it be possible to make Miles churn out more status cards? Answer is yes.

The centre of the deck is what we all know and love - Miles’signature kit with lots of stun and confuse, plus some web warrior allies and key basic upgrades - downtime, heroic intuition and sense of justice.

Then we add in: concussive blow, upside the head, float like a butterfly and Cypher.

With upside the head, concussive blow, swing in and defensive mechanism, Miles should reliably be confusing the villain most turns. Ideally you’d have Float down asap, to get those damage bonuses from hitting a confused villain. Obvs upside does confuse too, but with this confuse already I usually find it’s adding extra stun.

Even better if you can get Cypher down and keep him alive, you’re then combining with card draw which is always nice. (Shame Cypher only has two health but the first aids are there to try and make the most of him).

Anyhow it’s a laugh… unless they are stalwart