Phoenix all-out-thWARt glass cannon

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
What would Juan Do? 0 0 0 1.0

MarTom · 9

For those who wish to tackle higher-difficulty games in multiplayer or just make sure that threat is a non-issue, I present the ultimate glass threat removal cannon - Phoenix.

Phoenix is a Psionic in both hero AND alter-ego form! She has access to the absolute best thwart card in the game - Psychic Manipulation. Not only is that heaps effective in terms of numbers, regularly ensuring there is like 8 threat less on the main scheme, but it can be used in alter-ego to ensure you don't advance the main scheme while you are chilling and the villain is not confused.

The game plan is as simple as building your board with resource generators while taking care of threat in the meantime. I consider having 3 Thwart more powerful for the first half of the game so I would actually advise against quick unleash. Resource generators help a lot when you have to pay for Psychic Manipulation and since your role in the game is to prevent threat from being an issue, you want to do just that.

!!! Important !!!
This is a deck that goes hand in hand with a hero that can lend some protection, as there are no allies included. The focus is threat removal and survivability struggles for that. If you want to reinforce the X-men synergy, it can do wonders with Shadowcat or Colossus in Protection. You will need someone to take a few hits from the villain for you.

A few notes on cards:

Quincarrier - this may seem a strange inclusion, but remember you can put this into play with Build Support. It's a resource generator you can use in alter-ego so it is super helpful.

The X-Jet - I included Honorary X-men just to be able to use the X-jet in in alter-ego for the same purpose of paying for Psychic Manipulation.

Vigilante Training - you can recur a number of useful cards with this. The way to use it most efficiently is to change form every turn to keep the cycle of yellow events.

Overwatch - the force multiplier card of Justice. Stick one to the main scheme and explode a side scheme right away with Psychic Manipulation or Telepathic Trickery. It works wonders with just having a base THW of 3 in the early game!

Predictable Ploy - another card that scales with difficulty. Granted, you may not be able to use this right away, should Build Support end up at the bottom of your deck. Still, it is a very powerful card that can stop some of the Expert 2 monstrosities from wreaking havoc upon the players. I would even consider running 3 of them.

Multitasking / One Way or Another - generally good cards that you can swap for another or change the count of freely. I would even consider adding another Predictable Ploy and cutting one of these. Be mindful of what side schemes are in the villain deck and use One Way or Another only when there is no significant danger to pull out something nasty. It is more of a situational card that can be good if you use it wisely.