The Mockingbird Shuffle

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Staglore · 394

Disclaimer: Since Team-Building Exercise isn't out until Ant-man is released, I have added a second Endurance as a place saver. Although, I believe this combo still has some merit without Team-Building Exercise.

Some heroes like to switch between alter-ego and hero mode...Hawkeye is NOT one of those. His recovery is sub par and his alter ego ability is only good first turn (or in case of emergency). So, it only makes sense to stay in hero mode all game.

"How do I do that?" you might ask...

Well, it's easy. Spam the crap out of Mockingbird.

The Mockingbird Shuffle Combo

If you can get Team-Building Exercise, Helicarrier, Avengers Tower, and Quincarrier on the table, you can spam her indefinitely.

With Mockingbird on the table trigger her ability and pay the resource with Quincarrier. On your turn use Helicarrier, Avengers Tower and lasetly Team-Building Exercise to play her for free. This is of course done without spending a single card from your hand.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat

None of the cards in this combo are aspect dependent. So, you can use this with any of the four aspects.

I have chosen Protection to pair with this mainly to prevent and heal damage while I get the combo setup. This keeps Hawkeye from having to flip to Clint Barton which admittedly doesn't do a damn thing for you other than first turn.