Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Pedroq · 163


Maximum Spider

Spider-Man appears in several fighting games, most notably Marvel vs. Capcom. One of his super moves in the game is Maximum Spider where Spider-Man dashes all over the screen delivering hits to the opponent while webbing them up for a big final finish. This deck tries to capture the spirit of that move.

The premise is to bounce SPdr to boost your attack with Warrior of the Great Web. Reduce SPdr's effective resource cost to zero with Team-Building Exercise (reduce SPdr play cost by 1) and Web of Life and Destiny (draw a card from bouncing SPdr). Every turn SPdr will thwart for 2, bounce to the hand, be played for 0 ER, and then attack for 1 allowing the loop to repeat. Command Team and multiple copies of Team Building Exercise allows you to repeat the SPdr bounce multiple times in a turn giving you more thwart and damage from SPdr while hitting greater attack boosts.

This is primarily a Web-Warrior deck. The shell of the deck is Leadership aspect with the basic web-warrior allies. Can swap in your favorite web-warrior/spider character in Marvel Champions.

This version features Spider-Woman because she can make the combo much nuttier due to Superhuman Agility stat boosts. But also, I just joined the Solo Champions League, and she was this rounds hero. SCL play notes in the comments.


Muster Courage: Substitute for Thwip! Thwip! in scenarios where the villains are stalwart.

Spider-Man: Hobie Brown: Substitute for any of your allies that cannot be played if your teammates are playing those identities.

Make the Call: Can be swapped with Command Team and/or Call for Backup. You can make a version that includes more Web-Warrior allies and plays more linear, rather than focusing on build up and loop.


Warrior of the Great Web: 3 copies in the deck. Can find consistently within the first 1 turn, especially with a hard mulligan.


Attach Warrior of the Great Web. Med Lab + Spider-Man: Peter Parker will get you free readies to synergies with Spider-Woman's ability. Web of Life and Destiny + Team-Building Exercise + SPdr will give you free attack buffs and help you draw through your deck. You will negate the villain's activations with your status effects. If you can't, then block the villain yourself.


Pheromones will stun and confuse an enemy. Thwip! Thwip! stun up to two enemies, or one steady enemy. Contaminant Immunity grants you tough status cards. The stun and tough effects will pay off immediately during the villain phase. The confuse can be left on until you need to flip to Alter Ego form to make use of Med Lab to replay an ally.


You will be defending against the villain's attacks. Contaminant Immunity and your basic recovery will undo any damage that will accumulate from defending against the villain. You have many ways to ready so lining up a flip to AE to recover isn't disruptive.


Spider-Woman's Superhuman Agility is an amazing ability. Boosting the stat line simply for playing your cards feels amazing. Her limitation is only one basic action per round. Spider-Man: Peter Parker synergizes to consistently give her 2 actions per round. You can get more readies in a turn from Self-Propelled Glide to flat out ready Spider-Woman or exhaust Command Team to ready Spider-Man for another action, which readies Spider-Woman. Due to the attack boost combo, Leading Blow is in the deck for a 0 cost ready and stat boost card.


The deck has various ways to tutor and recur cards consistently.

Call for Backup: Find Spider-Man. The main purpose of Call for Backup is to find Spider-Man once you have Med Lab in play. It'll usually be smoother to play Call for Backup, and clear the threat than lining up the resource requirements on Spider-Man.

Ghost-Spider: Tutors your identity cards. Ghost-Spider can find an identity aspect card or a Self-Propelled Glide depending on your needs.

Silk: Great way to snipe problematic treacheries from the encounter deck.

Jessica Drew's Apartment: Finds an aspect card, whether for you need a particular effect or need to find an additional aspect for greater stat boosts. The deck wants to flip to AE every once in a while to make use of Med Team. Get more out of you AE turn with the search from Jessica's Apartment.

Build Support: Tutor Quincarrier. Similar to Call for Backup, playing Build Support and clearing the threat is smoother to the deck's flow, than playing Quincarrier outright. Build Support can play the support combo pieces like Med Lab, Command Team, Team Building Excercise, and Web of Life and Destiny too. However, those cards feel fine to play due to being 2 and less cost.


Med Lab: Maintain Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider. Primary target is Spider-Man to make use of the ready effect. Ghost-Spider is great to consistently find your events.

SPdr: This loop is the key to the deck as explained at the start. The "When Defeated" effect allows you to play SPdr every turn. With Web of Life and Destiny draw effect, and Team Building Exercise or Quincarrier, playing SPdr is 0 RC.


Warrior of the Great Web: You will get at least +1 Atk every turn when you start looping SPdr.

Superhuman Agility: It is easy for Spider-woman to get +1 to all stats. Towards the mid to late game, you commonly hit +2 all stats. Once fully setup, you can line up +3 all stats and multiple readies regularly.


Nov 13, 2023 Pedroq · 163

Solo Champions League Season 16, Round 3:

Villain: Magog + Legions of Hydra + Longshot + Ship Command

Difficulty: Standard

Hero: Spider-Woman

Aspect: Leadership + Protection

Campaign elements: GMW Marketplace Units. I had 7 Units. Did not use the Red Skull upgrades so I did not add Anti-Hero Propaganda and Medical Emergency Obligations.

First time playing in SCL. Was fun. Did not plan to clear the scenario with Magog at low HP. All three games Magog was 10 HP. Mostly played to test out this web-warrior deck idea.

Game 1: Got Med-Lab and Spider-Man out early. The game went smoothly. Being able to ready every turn made the scenario very manageable. I got SPdr, WoLnD, and Team Building Exercise on the board too. It was steady pressure on my end, consistent thwart and damage. But I had to defend against the villain, so game went longer as I needed to flip to AE to heal and use Med Lab to put Spider Man back out. Game was 9 rounds, no threat on the main, no side schemes, but Magog at 10 hp.

Game 2: Didn't hit combo pieces. Played more with Spider-woman's kit and playing allies as normal. Felt more dangerous as Magog got to 7 rating counters on The Champion. But I hit some venom blasts and readies to knock out Magog for the final counters on The Challenger. Similar end result, no threat on main and no side schemes, but Magog at 10 hp.

Game 3: A mix of games 1 and 2. I got Pheromones and Thwip! Thwip! intermittently. So I was able to status lock Magog while also building up my board. Going into turn 7, I had WoLnD, Spider-Man, Ghost Spider, SPdr, Finesse, Deft Focus, and Quincarrier on the board. I drew into Inconspicous, Leading Blow, and Command Team. I Spider-Woman to plus 3 all stats, and +4 atk from the aspect cards and web-warriors leaving play. Was able to one shot a Hydra minion, push Magog, defeat Magog again, defeat Surprise Contender. But couldn't line up an extra attack on magog before taking out the contender. So game ended a bit worse the other two, 10 hp on the villain 1 threat on the main.

Nov 14, 2023 josseroo · 689

Thanks for sharing the thorough write-up on the deck and your games!