She-Hulk - No ally Leadership (Secret Aggression deck)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

sweetsweetdoughnuts · 8

This is not an optimised deck. It was a fun experiement to play multiplayer on Standard difficulty in a 3p game (with Justice Black Widow and Leadership Cyclops). It is a Secret Aggression deck, containing no Aggression cards.

And it's pretty fun to play, as well as being pretty newbie friendly.

This deck came from the idea toying with using Leadership stat boosting cards, but on a Hero who can re-ready multiple times. The fact that She-Hulk frequently flips down to Alter-Ego means that Ready to Rumble will trigger often and give Jenn 9 cards in her deck that ready her!

Beyond that, the deck is built around Go All Out and combo-ing it with all of her stat boosts. Leadership Training exists to recur the 9 event cards back into your deck.

It's honestly pretty fun and can hit very hard. In a couple of test runs, I managed 22 damage on an opening hand, and had a few turns within my first two games where it delivered more than 30 damage.

I think it works best with someone to protect She-Hulk when needed, though with a basic Recover of 5, Down Time, Recuperation, Endurance and Ready to Rumble, you can recover health in huge chunks when needed and get straight back into the fight.


Nov 11, 2023 Shazbahty · 580

I know you said this isn't optimize, but Beat 'Em Up isn't worth it. It somehow manages to be a worse Ground Stomp. Maybe Earth's Mightiest Heroes to get another ready off of Hellcat thought I doubt it would hit enough to justify it.

Nov 11, 2023 sweetsweetdoughnuts · 8

Thanks for the comment. You're absolutely not wrong, and I don't really anticipate ever using Beat 'Em Up as an event, but it's in there, along with Ground Stomp and the Plasma Pistol as I'm terrified of Tough when using big hit attacks. That it's also an energy resource I never have to feel bad about spending to Go All Out means it has a place currently, but is a definite contender to be cut when trying to trim this down to 40 cards.