Don't Make Me Angry...(Taunt Away!)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rey Plays Games · 87

With the new cards out from the Angel Hero Pack, I couldn't resist whipping up a Hulk Protection deck...

This one of course, features that Card of the Moment, Taunt, to help Hulk in drawing more cards...

The play style leans in on Hulk mostly doing it on his own with a swathe of Defense cards...and only the stalwart Blade and Lockjaw as staple allies...

The intent is to get the resource generators ( Ingenuity , Banner's Laboratory, #Hellicarrier , Avengers Mansion) out as quick as you can, in order to then build up your Hard to Ignore, and Flow Like Water...

Might need to tweak after testing out the deck...dependent on which villain you fight, you can also swap out Not Today! with the likes of Never Back Down or Preemptive Strike