Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Leondero · 35

Hello, this is one of the first decks I put serious effort into devising on my own. When I first read Angels cards, I realized how much of an explosive force he could be with the Dive Bomb and Honed Technique combo on top of his skills that empower Aerial forces.

If any advice can be given on aspects to improve, please let me know I'd be glad to hear it!


Oct 06, 2023 spinnerrogers · 86

Adding Assault Training and an extra Honed Technique (in the deck, not in play) will help get your kabooms online faster and more frequently.

I like how you're trying to turn your damage into thwart. Consider Gatekeeper, it's hilarious in this kind of deck.

Oct 06, 2023 spinnerrogers · 86

I forgot, Team-Building Exercise is also extremely good here and gives more flexibility to Dive Bomb without losing your whole hand.

Oct 06, 2023 Leondero · 35

Thanks for suggestions! (I'm new to this app so don't know how to save edits to this published document). I've replaced the chase them down with Gatekeeper and included the extra Honed Technique and Team-Building Exercise. I'm currently at 42 cards now and not sure what to get rid of.

I also trying Storm in place of Snowguard. Idk if this is a good idea or not.