Ms. Marvel and Her Mad Mates

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Smells Like Teen Angst in the Mosh Pit 851 691 28 2.0
Inspiration for
None yet

ObiRobKenobi · 261

This aggro Ms. Marvel deck is similar to many others out there.* So a huge shout-out to those others that have been pushing this aspect out of Ms. Marvel.

With this deck though, I shifted the focus a bit and I’m curious to see how it plays out. As the title suggests, this deck is trying to make the most of its allies. All of the allies have odd-numbered health which means they get more damage out of #Enraged than they would just taking three turns to tap normally. Enraged also seemed like a natural synergy with Red Dagger, if you can afford it.

With more focus on the allies I did cut some events down to doubles instead of triples. This is less problematic for Ms. Marvel as her ability helps events go a longer way. First Aid helps keep allies alive to get more use out of Enraged and also to help heal Ms. Marvel when you can’t afford to flip and recover.

Lastly, I’ve done the unthinkable and cut Hulk in favor of Lockjaw. The thought here is that, while Hulk is a much better value, I just couldn’t risk him hurting other allies on the team. Taking non-consequential damage really throws off the value from Enraged.

*How can they not be before the Aggression card poll expands?