Taking Time to Paint the Roses (Colossus Flips Down Every Ro

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Alduc · 1033

Playing Marvel Champions almost exclusively solo, I always have the be careful when flipping down. It's all too easy to get a loss because the villain schemed a little too well.

The goal of this deck is to allow Colossus to flip back to alter-ego. All. The Time. Needless to say, Armor Up is the key card for this: go to alter-ego, do a bunch of things, draw six cards, and going back to being a hero during the villain phase. Colossus' kit only has two copies, but between his Aspiring Artist ability and Mutant Education, they just keep popping up.

This deck is as far as being a rush deck as it can get. There's a lot of supports and upgrade to play (plus some solid allies that can stick to the board), but while everything sets up Colossus barely takes any damage, and there's enough tool to manage the board. The deck will be thin during the second pass, making it even more consistent to draw Armor Up every round.

And the best thing is: flipping down gives Colossus a steady influx of tough tokens.

And doesn't he just want some time alone with his brushes?