Psylocke the slayer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kurtimusprime · 15

The key to the deck (and any Psylocke deck really) is going to be controll of filping psi knife and psi katana when consider the turn.

Need to twart 2 psi knifes for 3 twart. Want damage 2 psi katanas for 3 damage and piercing. This deck you may want to use attack at the end and you will have extra damage from fluid motion.

I would recommend ending the turn with one of each to set up next turn and get both effect from her defence events.

Psylocke is a prime canidate for honed technique as she starts the game with excess to 2 mental resouse with her psy knifes. This deck will use the extra damage to the fullest. This deck has two copies to get it down as soon as possible.

In order to do this Psylocke will use her psi knifes to trigger honed technique.

Clobbler can be use for 5 damage at the begining of the turn. Then returned to your hand for 4 effective resources.

Relentless assult and no quarter can be be used to full protental using both psy weapon. Strength resouse requatered and mental for honed. No quarter will be 6 damage and draw for exess damage. Relentless will be 7 damage and overkill.

If using both psi weapons you will still have 3 cards in your hand. If the a three cost there x gene to use her events or martial powess.

Minion can be dealt with using melee 6 and 6 damage (honed) and or her blades of furry.

Psychic assult and psi bow with power of the mind will both be boosted by 2 damage.

Psimitar will do 2 damage and you play a psionic card which there are plently in the deck to trigger off.

Card draw with no quarter and IPAC.

Also to consider:

Press advance can be added for extra card draw.

Do you want to filp down? Do you need to save a psy weapon to get a psy card back into your deck.

One Honed technique can be removed. I included two to try and get it down sooner.

This deck should be able to do two attack events each turn so another copy of fluid motion could be added.

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