Let's Get Psi-READY to Psi-Rumble

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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josseroo · 702

First off, shouts to MegiDolaDyne's Ten Percent Luck, Twenty Percent Skill write-up for highlighting some valuable information about playing and building Psylocke. And for suggesting this specific suite of double resources, which feels much better than what I had been using.


This is a fairly straight-ahead Repurpose deck, with some choices a bit more specific to Psylocke. I think it's probably a good deck for getting a feel for what she can do.

  • Repurpose is a Skill card so can be tutored by Training Regimen
  • Because of the healing from What Doesn't Kill Me and The Night Nurse, I opted for Endurance over Crew Quarters or X-Mansion, but either of those two could work instead.
  • Psylocke's Alter-Ego ability can shuffle Professor X back into the deck for Cerebro to grab which can be helpful to supplement Psylocke's already good access to Confuse against Steady villains.
  • Further to the last point, when a big non-elite minion shows up, it's almost always a great idea to flip down and get Cerebro to grab Karma, with an assist of your alter-ego ability if she's in the discard.
  • As discussed by MegiDolaDyne, the hero hand size of 4 means you want to have places to spend your resources when you just don't have much to play in your hand. This is where Telepathy, Plan B, recurring Starhawk or flipping down to recur Professor X or Karma can be great choices.
  • I like Plan B over Telekinesis for a few reasons. First, Plan B requires fewer resources to pop things like Tough, but the timing of that can be awkward anyway. Second, the requirement means you're usually happy to dump those resources into Telepathy and then dump something extra into Plan B. Plan B also isn't an attack (Telekinesis is) so gets around retaliate, which is very helpful against NeXt Evolution villains
  • The allies in this deck tend to linger so adding somebody like Deadpool can really challenge your ally slots. Karma hangs out until her friend is all used up. Starhawk occupies an ally slot that he is jumping in and out of, and the timing is not always right to use Jocasta's defense card.
  • Although light on resources in the deck for What Doesn't Kill Me, her Psi-Katana provides the needed resource
  • If you ever want two Psi-Katanas out with your Psimitar, you're going to need a Side Holster

Card swaps:


Sep 22, 2023 MegiDolaDyne · 5244

Thanks for the shout. Searching Repurpose is real nice, and a searchable recurrable Karma is a great way to mitigate Psylocke's lack of damage (and the minion problems she has as a consequence). Plus Jocasta is so helpful for Psylocke's defense events, which are really good but so rarely line up when you're drawing most of your cards in Alter-Ego form.

Though I think in this list a normal suite of double resources looks better. My list ran the power ofs largely because they're so helpful for playing Psionic Aggression events and hitting the mental kickers. Power of the Mind won't help you with non-Psionic allies, Energy Barriers or WDKM.

Also, any thoughts towards making room for a Forcefield or two? I always like running a bit more tech in a repurpose deck and Psylocke is pretty frail and has a lot of resources for it.

Sep 23, 2023 josseroo · 702

I have been struggling with the resources in this deck and was digging your set since they lean into Telepathy, but you are probably right that the regular 3 doubles and a single Power of the Mind may have been better. Either way it is the same number of cards that work with WDKM, but regular doubles are better for a lot of other things.

I have found that with all the flipping, Psionic Redirect, Endurance, Energy Barriers and WDKM, I haven't found her too fragile. In Repurpose decks I have found the forced interrupt on Forcefield Generator usually makes it so that I'm not able to keep them around as long as I want, but it's probably a playstyle thing.

Sep 23, 2023 josseroo · 702

Oops...Strength would make one more card that works with WDKM

Sep 23, 2023 MegiDolaDyne · 5244

It could be the case that you go with just Genius and Strength and cut Energy.

I have found durability to be a pretty major issue for Psylocke, but it makes sense if WDKM and Barriers do a good enough job fixing that on their own.