
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Angel Justice NeXt Evolution Solo 0 0 0 1.0

Tano Games · 3114

Flying too close to the (yellow) sun can melt your wings, young Icarus! But we don't care, one way or another, we're getting the job done.

This is my Angel deck featured in my first video with the hero. It is fairly straightforward, you want to really focus on Angel's cards as well as getting value from The Power of Flight with the Aerial allies.

Of course, One Way or Another is my favorite cards in the game, so dig out those side schemes to draw more cards! Angel makes Agile Flight a really solid thwarting card, letting you draw in Angel form, or deal an additional 3 damage as Archangel, but dropping a large chunk of thwart for that 0 THW and acceleration icon he has.

Since you should be changing forms quite a bit with Metamorphosis, I really like Ready to Rumble. It can help get some value when you maybe defended that last phase using Aerial Agility, or thwarting as Angel, but then flip to Archangel. You can ready and attack, or vice versa, if you drop down to Angel, utilize his thwarting.

One card that really snuck up on me how good it can be is Natural Flight. If you watch my video, I ignored a crisis side scheme for almost half the game by playing this card as Angel. If you get a crisis in the villain phase and are kind of stuck with the main at dangerous levels, it'll let you get a handle on that despite the crisis symbol. There are also a lot of Patrol minions around lately.

Avian Anatomy is my second favorite resource card in the game, following Ironheart's signature resource. Playing Metamorphosis twice, or Adaptive Plummage in both forms is amazing. You can drop the Plummage for thwart and confuse as Angel and draw a card, then flip to Archangel and play it again for 7-damage and a stun! Decrease the cost as Archangel, too, with the Techno-Organic Wings.

X-Gene is an amazing card for Angel because he can easily flip to AE to pay for it, and then can use it in AE to pay for Metamorphosis! All in all, he can take some time to work out all the flipping and best route to do so, but he's so fun.

I've played this solo many times, and in multiplayer as the only Justice player. You can take care of thwarting pretty well, even in 3-4 player.

In case you missed the link at the beginning, here's a game vs expert Sabretooth.


Sep 22, 2023 Schmendrix · 5438

Very cool. This feels like it complements Angel's kit in a variety of great ways.

Sep 22, 2023 journeyman2 · 23995

Captain Britain is so good! I’m only a handful of cards off of this, but I think that’s just the nature of Angel. Great name too haha

Sep 22, 2023 josseroo · 702

One Way or Another into Agile Flight is a thing of beaty!

Sep 22, 2023 Man-is-Obsolete · 5148

Daedalus got this Icarus right!

Sep 22, 2023 Caldias · 1222

I love how the cost curve shows the exact moment Icarus got too close to the sun.

Awesome deck!

Sep 22, 2023 Tano Games · 3114

@Caldias haha and then he plummets, RIP

Sep 23, 2023 mv2392 · 102

@Caldias is so right! That’s hilarious!

Sep 23, 2023 NocturnalAnimal · 17330

Great theme, great deck, great name :)

Sep 25, 2023 LegendaryLass · 103

Just making sure that count is right? 41? It's a great deck, thanks to the op!

Sep 25, 2023 Tano Games · 3114

@LegendaryLass yep, we don't card about going over 40 around here ;P thanks!