Bjorn to be lucky !

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

captainfire · 354

Concept :

  • Confuse the villain with Psylocke and Professor X to play Domino as normal (alternate between Hero and AE every turn if possible).
  • Play Jarnbjorn and use it at least twice per turn (usually 3-4 times in end-game) thanks to your Domino's Pistol and a lot of and resources.
  • Best case scenario is to (swap and then) discard a Digging Deep for 2 damage, then use it to pay for Jarnbjorn and deal 2 more !
  • Kill things !

Other combos and how to play the deck :

  • With some Enhanced Physique and Sharpshooter in play, each Pistol could do 1/2+1/2+2.
  • You could add 2+1/2 damage with your basic attack for a total of 11 to 16 (without including Jackpot! shenanigans).
  • I included a lot of resources to trigger Jarnbjorn as often as possible.
  • Save Side Holster with The Painted Lady and play it as soon as possible so you can have your 3 Restricted into play.
  • Build Support is here as a second copy of The Painted Lady and Pip the Pug. You're "wasting" its potential but those cards are really essential to Domino's gameplay ! The Painted Lady should always have priority over Pip.
  • Machine Man is nice to have on the table and be used on turns you have too many resources (it happens a lot with Domino).
  • The Posse is huge value as a finisher (or a big damage turn in multi) if you keep some POSSE ally in play for it.
  • Battle Fury and Ready to Rumble are good value with her because often you will exhaust to defend or heal but also need to get rid of your %#*$ing Obligation or some attachments :)
  • Audacity was surprisingly good to get rid of Tough status but it could be another card...

Other relevant cards :

  • Deadpool could clearly replace Machine Man and be better but I liked the idea of Machine Man a bit more :)
  • Other POSSEs could also be good but you already have too many allies sometimes.

I tested the deck in two-players only but I can see it perform well in solo.

Have fun ;)


Aug 28, 2023 SoloMarvelChampion · 1347

I hadn't thought of using Jarnbjorn with Domino! Swapping a Digging Deep to the top gives you the (as ) resource for Jarnbjorn when you shoot your pistol. I also like Clobber here because you can play it and (when first played) get it back to use its for the axe. Nice synergies!

Aug 28, 2023 captainfire · 354

@SoloMarvelChampion Yeah, that's exactly that (!!!) and I completely forgot to talk about it in this short write-up...... :p
I edited the review ! ;)