My Posse Brings All the Resources to the Discard

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 673

The primary focus of this deck is lean hard into Domino’s static ability. It’s loaded up with cards that have wild resources so that you’re maximizing the effects that discard of the top of your deck.

Focus on getting out your upgrades and support such as Probability Field, Domino's Pistol, and The Painted Lady and then start spamming those upgrades. Don’t be afraid of putting cards in the bin, that’s what this deck does.

Make sure you’re using Domino’s actions to plan what’s on top of your deck and to fix up your hands if you end up with too many resources. Get cards like Digging Deep and White Fox on top of your deck to profit from discarding them.

The secondary theme of the deck is Allies, you know, doing Ally stuff. They help thwart, chump block, and deal damage. Keep track of where your The Posse is because it’s worth keeping some Posse Allies in play if you know it’s coming up. Make the Call is a leadership classic, but in this deck it helps you get back any good Allies you tossed off the top of your deck.

That’s it, no crazy combos or nothing. Just doing what Domino does, but really well.

This deck is excellent at dishing out a lot of damage while having the Allies to assist in thwarting, which Domino’s deck is short on.