Jean and Ororo Skip Class to Sing Karaoke at the Moulin Roug

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Soul Sisters - Karaoke Queens 1 1 1 1.0
Soul Sisters - Karaoke Queens 1 1 0 2.0

dr00 · 44316

sing it girl

Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, go sista

After a long day of tutoring a bunch of bratty WMDs, you gotta find a way to wind down. Prof asking you to teach evening classes again? Tell him you're busy. Beast needs a substitute teacher cos he's got a date? Tell him to substitute his expectations. Cyclops made surprise plans for date night? Sorry buckaroo; you're outta luck this time.

Ladies Night at the Moulin Rouge Means Ladies Drink Free

Jean found that the best way to relax is endless drinks and karaoke with her closest besties: Ororo and Jessica. Sorry Rachel, but this is a 21+ establishment.

Phoenix offers 3 THW from turn one which is absolutely insane value. Storm can thwart up to 5, and Jessica? The sky's the limit. What's great is how they synergise so well together. Here are some pro tips to aim for those high scores:

  • Storm can pile threat on a side scheme you don't care about*, which helps buff up Jessica jones
  • Storm can move threat around to help you target things down. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a scheme at 4 and another at 1 and still be able to thwart them away by moving 2 with Storm, thwarting the rest, then other side scheme at 3 is the perfect target for Phoenix.
  • Soul Sisters and Game Time get so much value with this setup.


Ororo can get to a sizeable 5 threat removed with a single action. Ideally, focus down the main scheme, and you actually kind of want side schemes with acceleration icons so it doesn't feel like such a waste. Thankfully, there's fairly minimal setup required: just play Storm, play Mission Training, and that's it. There are some ways to help set this up. First of all, there is Cerebro (which thankfully can search your whole deck thanks to Phoenix being psionic) and Build Support and Forge can search for it. If that's not enough, Chance Encounter is available (even from the discard, if you happen to lose her). Once she's in play with Mission Training, buy another round of drinks and some Game Time (0 ER for 5 threat removal?? Uh, yeah, please). And for the finale, the epic duet that will leave everyone in tears. An extra 8 thwart and 4 healing for 2 ER. The strongest power in the x-men universe is the power of besties.

Jessica Jones isn't much of a singer, but she can throw down drinks with the best of 'em. She also loves breaking rules, so if she can be an accomplice to your truancy, she's all for it. As Storm piles threat on side schemes, Jessica gets even more THW. You can throw an Honorary X-Men to put the second Mission Training, but this isn't a huge priority. If you can set it up, she's also a target for Game Time and X-Mansion.


Skipping Class

There's a lot of extra-curriculars that keep piling up. One Way or Another, you'll have to teach Build Support class, or Wolverine is going to ask you to Take Out the Guards. Sorry, bub. Leave a message, cos we're busy.

  • One Way or Another is in there to find the most benign side scheme you can find. Why not try to find something with an acceleration icon and a terrible when defeated effect? Sounds like the perfect thing I'm just going to ignore.
  • Take Out the Guards . Player side schemes are here! You can play them. You can thwart them! Or you can play this for free and offload a bunch of threat with Storm while buffing Jessica Jones' THW. Try to go for a high score of how much you will not be luring any guards away for anyone.
  • Build Support. Ok, listen. Some classes are worth taking. Finish this one and find Cerebro, Command Center, Team-Building Exercise, The X-Jet, White Hot Room, or X-Mansion. It just depends on what you need, but X-Mansion is great for Storm's longevity, X-Jet and Team-Building Exercise are good ramp tools, and Command Center is good for pushing out extra damage.

Hall Monitor

Forge is mostly there to help find Cerebro, The X-Jet, or X-Mansion, but outside of that, he's a good target for Cerebro to just pitch away for extra resources. Alternatively, Cerebro is a good target for Forge if you find you don't need it. Just keep one of them cycling around and throw them out.

Cyclops is useful... sometimes, but his biggest use is coming into play, ignoring his Response, then letting him jump in front of an attack to cover your solo and losing 2 counters from Phoenix Force. If you're trying to get down to 0 so you can flip and go to 3 ATK, he's a great option. He's also a good person to prank call with Cerebro.

Extra Credit

There are a few subtleties with playing this deck. There are a lot of lines given what you've drawn, what you need to deal with, etc., so be flexible.

Group Reservations

This deck is primarily for solo, but if you want to go sing karaoke with the whole crew, there are a few changes that you could make that would help:

  • Drop Command Center, Chance Encounter, Psimitar, and Skilled Investigator. You're really not going to get much value out of them, and you shouldn't focus so much on damage anyway. Build Support is still great though! Take Out the Guards is just going for even bigger high score of definitely not doing that, but maybe you can get some value out of it.
  • In their place, 1 pack more Game Time, 1 more Mission Training, and 2 more Honorary X-Men. This will ensure that you can get Storm and Jessica up and running as soon as possible, and you will have plenty of other targets for Mission Training and Honorary X-Men. If you need to drop Cerebro or X-Jet for another player, feel free to include more One Way or Another and/or opt for some First Aids to help keep everyone healthy.

Pay the Tab

And that's it! The deck doesn't just pilot itself. There are a lot of nuance, and the deckslots are very tight, so definitely experiment with different cards and strategies. Really the core is still the same though: Storm offloads threat onto a scheme you don't plan to defeat, and Phoenix either helping out with an impressive 3 THW or unleashing for an also impressive 3 ATK stat.

Special thanks to Journeyman2, man-is-obsolete, VJakson, and Schmendrix for helping to test, encouraging the process, and making suggestions.


Aug 19, 2023 journeyman2 · 24910

Playing next to this deck is pretty funny, just watching the PSS get loaded with threat. I always appreciate a good Justice deck in multiplayer!!

Aug 19, 2023 Man-is-Obsolete · 5459

We are all excited to clear Player Side Schemes and Dr00 is like "hold my beer" HAHA

Aug 20, 2023 josseroo · 702

I heard that those fattened up side schemes taste even better the day after. Just watch out for the ones with crisis icons, they give you heartburn.

Aug 20, 2023 VillainTheory · 27855

Nice. The Storm ally with Player Side Schemes was something I was looking forward to but I never thought about how that strategy could be used to boost Jessica. Very creative!

Aug 20, 2023 dr00 · 44316

@journeyman2 i've added a new meme based on this comment as it reminded me of something that happened in one of our games lmao

@Man-is-Obsolete 'so with player side schemes, you can complete them for benefits' 'not doin thaaaat'

@josseroo lets order another round!

@VillainTheory yeah, Take Out the Guards is especially good for it since it costs 0 and also has an effect you don't really care about so much. i also just love the idea of Wolverine waiting for everyone's signal and everyone's just belting out-of-tune karaoke lmao

Aug 23, 2023 HeroicSkeleton · 394

Hey, and if you draw Shadows, Consume the world just permanently buffs Jess even more! That's good... right?

Aug 23, 2023 dr00 · 44316

@HeroicSkeleton indeed! don't.. worry about that fire over there--hey let's order another round!

Aug 30, 2023 MegiDolaDyne · 5345

I played a game with this deck where Consume the World came out, and I thought "well it's permanent anyway, might as well let Storm stack it up." I got it to like 20 threat before I realized that our karaoke session inadvertently caused the end of the world.

10/10 deck all around, kudos. Soul Sisters is so underrated and I love seeing a build that can make the most of it.

Sep 10, 2023 dr00 · 44316

@MegiDolaDyne hey sorry for the late reply. i appreciate you.

i have also had a few games where i definitely offloaded threat onto consume the world and thought 'eh, i'll deal with it later' lol. it doesn't always work out, but makes for a fun story anyway lmao

Soul Sister is definitely a card i think takes a lot to get working well, so i was also happy to finally find a good use for it

Oct 02, 2023 diesel · 158

Damn it @dr00!

I have this great idea to use Storm to stack threat on PSS's and Jean can Cerebro her out and put Training upgrades on her. I come on here and what do I see?!? dr00 has already had the idea, built the deck, and made a fun/witty write up with the same f*cking idea! A month earlier, too! At least I can say my deck is Leadership, so it's slightly different.

Anyway, great idea and write-up, as usual. Love the creativity. My wife and I always look for dr00-decks first when we aren't in the mood to build for ourselves.

Dec 12, 2023 dr00 · 44316

@diesel lmao sorryyyyy! thank you so much for your comment though. sorry for taking so long to reply, some of my notifications have been sent to my spam folder for the past few months. i really appreciate it though. what deck did you try out? i have been trying to get Phoenix and Storm to work together for so long, and this is where it's finally come together for me, so i'd love to try out other builds

thank you so much for sharing. i'm glad my decks have made it into your home :D

Feb 25, 2024 syamealOne · 80

This is first deck I used for Storm and it is fantastic against Sinister Six. I got to dump the threat on the side scheme or Light at the End. The thwart is phenomenal however the Decoy and Shadows forced me to play fast towards the end.

Feb 25, 2024 dr00 · 44316

@syamealOne yeah, Consume the World does get a bit spicy, but it is a fun threat dump that helps ramp up the tension lmao

i'm glad you enjoyed it! Sinister Six definitely seems like a great option for this deck. i'll need to try that soon. i have done Hela, and that's really fun, especially for keeping side schemes around when you're not ready to flip her. i also need to try Collector II. i guess that's my weekend sorted :D

Apr 18, 2024 diesel · 158

@dr00 no worries! I may have taken a few months off an left you hanging, too. So I'm going to call it even lol.

I FINALLY published my deck today, so you can check it out here) and hopefully you enjoy it!

Really appreciate your contributions to the community!

Apr 18, 2024 dr00 · 44316

@diesel it's only what i deserve! lol

thanks for your comments. i'll check it out!