Iron Man goes full tech

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Hjemmelsen · 31

Essentially the amount of tech upgrades allows you to flip to hero on turn 1 relatively easy. You'll have like 1 turn or two at 3 or 4 cards, but then you're good to go. Facetank a hit or two, and then you just cruise through the rest of the scenario really.

Once you get all your stuff out, you have a few upgrades that cycle themselves after being used, and these are all Energy cards, making your repulsor blast regularly hitting for 7+ dmg.


Jul 25, 2023 lightninlad · 10

Having more tech upgrades in the game has really made Tony more viable in solo. This was a much needed build and I can’t wait to try it, thanks!

Jul 25, 2023 Hjemmelsen · 31

@lightninlad let me know if it works for you. There's a few obvious improvements one could make, but I decided to keep it as thematic as I could, thus only ironheart as an ally for instance.