Captain America Assembles the Avengers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

IzzyClara90 · 16

I've nearly never played Leadership before, it's just not my style, but I'm trying to understand it and I built this deck. I'd gladly accept any help provided in order to make it better cause I did lose against Standard Klaw using it. I still believe that I was managing the board well (actually, it was clean, but I was in Alter Ego Mode and he got an Advanced and got all 6 threats required to end the game in one turn)


Jun 23, 2023 VillainTheory · 27390

Nice! Leadership can be amazing once you get into it. I think this deck is a really good attempt too!

The fact of the matter is, even the absolutely best decks still sometimes randomly lose to a badly timed Advance. One of the more reliable strategies in solo play is to try and avoid going alter-ego except in when you truly have to. To do that, blocking with allies when they are at 1 hp, using stuns and defense cards can all keep you healthy.

Unless you have access to confusing the villain, the other way to make alter-ego generally safe for a round in solo play is to count the Advances in the encounter card discard pile. Some villains have other cards that make them scheme, but generally if both Advances are in the discard pile then you're safe to go alter-ego for that round!

As for the deck specifically, I don't think you ever really need to run three Avengers Assembles. I would be surprised if you ever play it more than 2 or 3 times per game even with three copies in the deck. Try cutting it down to 1 or 2. Or even 0. It will get better later on when you have more Avenger allies from packs like Ant-Man and the Mad Titan's Shadow expansion!

In a similar way, Quinjet is a really efficient card but a really, really slow card. And this deck only has 4 targets for it and only one of them I particularly like for it (Falcon). I'm not sure what packs you own, if you can access more Avengers or not, but I would consider cutting it or at least cutting it down to 1.

With only 6 allies, I don't think you need The Triskelion. I think it's unlikely you'll ever have 4 allies in play at once here. I also don't think Get Ready does a lot for you here. It burns your allies' hp faster, but readying allies is often done best as part of a combo. And I'm not sure you have great access to too many of those in Leadership yet.

Iron Man is a great ally if you build in upgrades for him and focus on healing him with, say, First Aid - but without that he's generally not worth his cost.

Rapid Response, however, is really good. If you were to add in Mockingbird, you would get another stun to help you avoid taking damage, and with Rapid Response, you could potentially bring her back multiple times to keep the villain stunned and then have an ally to block for very cheap.

Nick Fury is also an amazing ally who, until you have a big collection, should be in most of your decks. And to be honest, arguably still should be then.

Strength in Numbers, Inspired, First Aid, Quincarrier, Helicarrier, and Avengers Mansion are another few cards I think you must have and could be involved in a great Leadership deck. Not all at once, most likely, but they are each worth considering if you were to willing to rework the deck in a bigger way.

If you dedicate yourself to defending with Captain America, you could try a strategy where you include 3x Strength in Numbers and more allies in the deck. If you handle the defense, you won't have to block with allies. If your allies survive, you can keep them at a minimum of 1 hp and build up a small army to keep exhausting with Strength in Numbers for massive card draw! Keeping lots of allies alive is a great reason to actually keep The Triskelion in a deck too.

Or you could bring 3x Inspired and 3x First Aid. Give a copy of Inspired to one of your best allies and then keep them alive forever with First Aid for big value every turn. Falcon and Iron Man with 2 ATK and 2 THW each might be some of your best options here to start with. You can even First Aid yourself in a pinch to avoid having to go alter-ego.

If you did want to keep Get Ready in the deck, you can include Vision along with perhaps a copy of Inspired for him. One combo is to use Vision's ability to boost his stats and then ready him to benefit from it multiple times! And use First Aid again to keep him around.

But the most powerful way to play Leadership is generally recursion. In other words, playing your best allies over and over again. While it can be repetitive in the long term and not something to heavily rely upon, Make the Call and Maria Hill are best friends for a reason and can really help you get started in Leadership. If Make the Call is in hand and Maria Hill is in your discard pile, using it to put her into play is almost always the right thing to do. Drawing you a card, removing 2 threat and then blocking the villain's attack is super, super valuable.

Regarding Helicarrier, Quincarrier and Avengers Mansion, these are three of the core resource generators the Avenger heroes have access to. Putting a couple of these in a deck can make your turns a lot more flexible. It's good to try and play resource generators like this as early as possible.

Hope this made sense and gave you some ideas!