Aggression Aspect Deck (con of heroes 2023)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Pedroq · 175

Aggression Aspect Deck Just a general aggression deck I used for Con of Heroes 2023. The hero can be swapped out for any hero and the deck will work mostly the same. Depending on the hero you get more utility/versatility.

Rogue was the most fun pairing I found. Rogue is versatile hero and with this aggression deck, she's able to play various roles.

She can play into the aggression aspect and beat down a lot. Her Bulletproof Belle card can protect her from the villain's attack and leave her with a tough status card, which synergizes well with Toe to Toe. Rogue can hit for +6 atk once she has the aggression upgrades and her jacket attached. Energy transfer lets her ready and attack again with her boosted damage.

She can play a support role. She can use Goin Rogue to thwart especially when touched is on an ally. She can prioritize equipping her jacket to do a basic thwart of 3. Then use Energy Transfer to ready for another 3 thwart. Superpower adaptation can take high value thwart events from other heroes. Tigra helps to manage minions on the board. Marvel boy snipes of tough cards on the villain. Gambit is a mix of tigra and Marvel boy utility; you can ping off toughs with his interrupt or you can knock out most minions with his atk+interrupt damage.

She can be a blocker. This aggression deck dishes out stuns with mockingbird and drop kick. You can gain tough with invulnerability or bulletproof belle. Energy transfer allows you to heal so you don't need to flip to alter ego as much to stay health.