She-Hulk Leadership - 1st Build v2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BenWhitty · 7

With a small hero side hand of cards, I figured it was best to keep the cost of the cards down as much as possible. Feedback is welcomed as this is my first time putting a deck together from scratch.


May 02, 2023 journeyman2 · 24201

Hi Ben!

Sticking to the cards just from the packs listed I would make the following changes


x1 Ironheart

x1 US Agent

x1 Emergency

x2 Get Ready

x2 Inspired

x2 Enhanced Reflexes

x1 Hit and Run

x2 Quinjet


x1 Wonder Man

x1 Hawkeye (Kate)

x1 Black Knight

x1 Goliath

x1 Quincarrier

x1 Helicarrier

x1 Team Training

x3 Make the Call

x2 Earth’s Mightiest Heroes

With a Strength In Numbers deck, you typically want a lot of cheap allies to flood the board and draw a bunch of cards off of. Avengers Tower and Triskelion allow you to hit 5 Allies on board for this. Then you can push for a win with either Lead from the Front or Gamma Slam

May 03, 2023 BenWhitty · 7

Thank you for the advice @journeyman2. I will make the adjustments and try her out. Hoping you can also explain to me the value of Wonder Man, as I see him as just a pin cushion. His cost to attack seems counterproductive. If he is supposed to be just a shield from attacks, then I see his appeal though.