Greenwed fate

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Modenelfo · 1

Original deck concept.

Not tested yet.

Should work with 3/4 players due to the heavy amount of defense-related events.

Gambit defining skill will be used only to rack up tokens to be expended with Royal Flush or Charged Card - otherwise they will just accumulate (and favour a Natural Agility usage in early stages of the game AND a 0 cost Rogue play).

In the firsts turns I would capitalize on the base high defense while setting up few upgrades. All the "0"/"1' cost events (Desperate Defense, Expert Defense, Jump Flip) offer redundancy to have a higher chance of having at least one event after the first draw+mulligan.

The ally count is pretty low, but it's more meant to be used as emergency measures/later stages of the game.

My personal order would be: [As soon as possible]

The Night Nurse is inserted as a support tool, it's not fully functional but there's always one moment during the game where a "Stun" or "Confuse" wrecks havoc in the plan.