Stronger Together

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Audiobean · 1

The focus of this deck is to call up your Black Panther upgrades quicker and to bring out your allies faster. You may run into issues with having too many resources (on a bad draw) but it can work itself out when bigger supports and allies come out. The coolest combo is Hero basic attack/thwart combined with Team Work then Get Ready followed by Strength in Numbers..all without the ally taking damage and its cost effective! Also most cards are pretty low cost. I don't have quinncarrier which I'd probably try out instead of helicarrier. This deck may not work with villians that need to be confused or stunned that is why Mockingbird is invaluable to the deck. If you're into having 3 copies for any aspect card you may take out Power of Leadership since there are a lot of resource cards that come out...or to help sneak in Squirrel Girl.