Spider-Woman gets Physical with the Competition

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KakitaJamie · 327

LCG Discord Card Spotlight


Goal to build a deck that features the current spotlit card: Adam Warlock

Adam isn't the easiest to build around since he is a one of and being in Leadership he's not easily tutorable. You could Call for Aid to mill him into Make the Call. I could play a Mystic to Summoning Spell him with little to no other allies then recur him via Make the Call. Then I'm just running a Voltron deck with a mediocre ally that makes you discard to attack well.

Adam has the Aerial trait which is good and you can build an Aerial deck. But that has nothing to do with Adam, there are other Aerial allies that are better than him.

So I went hunting for synergy with his ability. I then remembered Hulk. These two are very similar in design and therefore are a good compliment to each other as a second "Adam". Hulk wants so that gave me the focus.


Get Adam Warlock and Hulk on board

The deck is packed with so that Adam Warlock activates for either 4 THW or 3 THW/1 ATK. Hulk can activate for 5 ATK most turns.

Set-up the Discard

For Adam Warlock 25 of the 40 cards in the deck are . The hope should be to play out the non- cards from hand leaving you something to discard. Hawkeye, Marvel Boy and Wonder Man are there to help with that as well.

For Hulk, Jessica Drew has her Double agent ability to help. The deck is stacked with as much as I could comfortably add. You should make it a priority to get Boot Camp, Captain Marvel, and Finesse down so they are out of the deck. The rest of Spider-Woman you will just need to make a call on what's in the discard if you want to take a risk without Double Agent.

Honorary Avenger and Team Training are there to give Adam Warlock and Hulk more activations.

Mass Attack

Mass Attack has a icon and can take advantage of all of these allies that want us to discard. It can also save us from putting consequential damage on our allies for a turn. Not the main plan but it works out. 3x Honorary Avenger is in the deck to assist with meeting this requirement.

She-Hulk can get some big ATK and Mass Attack gets more activations.

Of course all of the other 2+ ATK allies just support this card.

Boot Camp is in there specifically to support this plan. Despite it being , I felt it was worth the inclusion.

Everything Else

Plan B & Jarnbjorn can ping tough and don't trigger retaliate. They just fit with the theme.

Marked and Coordinated Attack are that help deal with minions.


The goal is Adam Warlock & Hulk. As long as the card is replaced by another , then I think most everything else is flexible.


Strength In Numbers - This is not a bad call. I couldn't find room for this with Spider-Woman deck-building restrictions and fitting the other components that I felt were more important. If I were to include this, I'd move away from the Mass Attack strategy.