Singleton Lady (Rogue ‘n Groot Team Up)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Man-is-Obsolete · 3835

All the Singleton Ladies

She's single and going to space where an unlikely partner allows her to adapt to her new status.

The premise started off easy enough.

Run a single copy of deck building cards and let Superpower Adaptation pull the one's you need in a pinch. Effectively giving you 3 copies of each event while only running a single copy.

I was a little strict in keeping to single copies of everything, I wouldn't expect anyone else to have to do that. You could just as easily cut Passion for Justice for a second copy of something, I hope this inspires you to explore something on your own as well. I must say though this worked very well for me!


This works extremely well true solo! I found this deck does an excellent job pulling out what you need to overcome most scenarios. You have a suite of Guardian allies that help utilize some great cards like "Think Fast!" and Gamora. There's great targets to pull if you are behind on threat (For Justice!, Clear the Area), if you want to recur some key cards (Mutant Education), or just draw more cards (Assess the Situation). However, I primarily play this game in Multiplayer and that's when our dear plant Groot comes into the picture


Groot really is a great partner for Rogue. Both "I am Groot" and "I. AM. GROOT!" are exceptional targets for Superpower Adaptation and can really help control the game's threat or rush down most villains if needed. Most importantly it gives Rogue more options! Also Deft Focus and X-Gene both can be used to play Groot's events. It is not uncommon for Rogue to do 20+ damage in a turn and Groot can still play the same cards himself possibly! Highly complimentary pairing. I played Groot in Aggression for which you can find a link to it below:

Groot Team Up Deck


Jun 16, 2023 IceHot · 21

I love the toolbox concept I might try it in protection that has a little more variety in toolbox cards: Ever Vigilant, Hard Knocks, Perseverance, Momentum Shift, Not Today, Repurpose, Tackle (really love the concept of only 1 copy of this against stalwart villains), what doesnt kill me.