The 10th Mystic - Tutor and Draw

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Stretch · 424

Rogue and Cyclops/Phoenix had the best stories in the old comics and cartoon. Decided to work around the economy with low-cost upgrades and events, jumping touch between mystic card draw and tutored identity events.

Strategy: Mulligan for X-Mansion or Forge to get it, and Adam or Kaluu. In a pinch, get Kaluu out faster with Call for Aid at the cost of possibly discarding your whole deck. Loop Maria on the board with Med Lab.

The X-jet is expensive, but worth it early game in harder modes. You only need to be Mystic to get The Sorcerer Supreme out, then you always get an extra card in hero form.

Touch a mystic ally for Spiritual Med and to initially get Sorcerer Supreme out. Anytime you need a little extra damage or threat removal to clear an enemy/side scheme, touch any ally. A Basic ally touched with Superpower Adaptation will let you pick up your Spiritual Meditation cards, but touch Gambit when possible to pick up a Bulletproof Belle. Touch the villain to get more out of Bulletproof Belle before you use it. Touch minions to get more out of Southern Cross. You'll have to read the board state when you have multiple options in hand, but this strategy makes your deck very flexible.

To stay up when you want to, lean into Bulletproof Belle and try to keep at least one chump blocker out besides a mystic. You have to flip down for Mutant Education use, but that keeps you loaded with BBs and Southern Crosses. Since you'll flip down, Moira is useful for more draw.