Groot taking No Quarter

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jwads88 · 7

This has been a heap of fun. First deck pass get all of Groot's upgrades and supports down. Second pass unleash! #no quarter can hit for 6 due to Honed Technique, and can allow you to cycle through your deck with speed. The main benefit of this is that Groot has some pretty effective attack events as it is, so you want to use them, then cycle through your deck to get them back. Heaps of cheap blockers to help you retain growth counters and hit for 10 with I. AM. GROOT! and 2 for 5 in Root Stomp in no joke either. The Enhanced cards are to help hit the and for No Quarter every time.