Hulk, in the Name of the Law! | Hulk Solo Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jardal · 2

I've been struggling with Hulk solo so I went with the ol' standby for control gaming: Justice.

Hulk's biggest weakness is obviously dealing with threat, and I'm terrible at racing the clock, so wrapping in Justice gets us access to the threat management we need to control out the game.

Under Surveillance, Counterintelligence, and Concussive Blow are all there to let us dip into Bruce Banner to get some much needed healing and to keep important cards. Down Time is really useful because of how much healing it feels like we end up taking.

I've only done expert "The Break-In!: Legions of Hydra" and "Underground Distribution: The Masters of Evil" with this deck, but I have to say that Beat Cop really impressed me. Having threat sinks on Hulk with the ability to ping or one-shot larger minions is super useful.

I'm also surprised to find that I'm really liking Enhanced Physique. Sometimes I end up with dead events in hand, a wasted Limitless Strength, or a wasted Banner's Laboratory. These feed into an Enhanced Physique and gives me more flexibility on those smash turns.

Cards I'm keeping an eye on:

  • Honorary Avenger: I liked giving my allies an extra swing at thwart or damage. However, at 1 I would never have this with an ally and even at 2 it's dead in my hand a lot. Granted, most of Hulk's cards are resources so situational isn't bad.
  • For Justice!: I don't know how I'll remove this, but I never really thought about playing it. The Beat Cops were soaking the threat well enough and Sub-Orbital Leap was usually used before For Justice!.
  • Helicarrier: Obviously Quincarrier is what I'm thinking about replacing it with, but I always seem to only be able to play this card when I want to stay on my non-Avenger side. That said, there are a few times where an extra would've been much better, and Limitless Strength is the most likely way to play this, which requires the Avenger side.