[MCU] - Black Widow // Civil War

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Charles · 566

Hey !

I’ m trying a new concept of decks, based on great moments of the MCU !

Please note that these decks won’t be the best in there part, but just fonctionnal, cool and ultra-thematic !

For this first one, Natacha will play the spy and help Cap team in airport battle ( yes, the fact that the original 6 avengers or Bucky don’t exist in basic is not helping ! )

So, play your Cap Team allies, keep’em alive with all your health solutions, if they die, bring’em back with Make The Call ( principaly Falcon and Hawkeye ), buff’em with your leadership events and upgrades ( Avenvers assemble / Mighty Avengers / Team training … )

Honorary Avenger is for Natacha ( to trigger avengers assemble in AE ), feel free to attach the second one on another ally.

Hope you’ll enjoy this deck, already thinking about the second one !

Have fun !


Jan 30, 2023 Charles · 566

Read : Trigger Mighty Avengers