Phoenix (Threat Moderator)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

roselawn · 1

(Edit: I just recently added blindfold in replace of banshee)

Worked great in a campaign as the main threat moderator, played along with two other players using Aggression and Leadership etc. Had a lot of fun with this deck, may tweak it more as I continue the campaign and open to any suggestions/notes.

Some fun moments:

Heroic Intuition is great to keep your thwart effective after you swap into unleashed.

Swift retribution, followed by a basic thwarting followed by Turn the Tide was a fun combo for some good damage and still managing to remove a lot of threat.

White hot room, is a great way to recover with out using her actual recovery, switching back and forth often gives you a nice opportunity to use Lay Down the Law.

Psychic Manipulation can be used in Alter ego or Hero mode.

Power of justice helps keep the cost of Banshee and Marvel Girl down, followed up by mission training.