Doctor Dive Bomb

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LokiHeart · 3

The entire point behind this deck is to create agency for the player. Instead of always playing the top card of the Invocation deck, you have the option to do really impressive damage with your aspect cards.

Your most impressive play is playing Dive Bomb with Honed Technique in play. This will hit the Villain for 11 damage and every Minion for 5 damage. To do this you need to have the Cloak of Levitation in play, it grants Dr. Strange Aerial. You can raw draw into it or search it up with Mystical Studies.

If you are lacking Aerial, then Honed Technique and Into the Fray (9 damage) or Melee (6 damage & 6 damage) will still do a great amount of damage. If you do not care for them you can switch them out for other Aggression Events. I would recommend playing as many 3+ cost events as possible to maintain high damage output. I would not go below a 9 count for the Aggression Attack Events as it will interfere with you consistency in using Honed Technique every turn.

Spiritual Meditation and Assess the Situation will dig through your deck to get to the cards you want to play. They are also Mental Resource cards, so they will let you play Honed Technique and trigger it when you play an Attack Event.

If all of that fails, then you can still just play the Invocation game and win.



Feb 04, 2023 Appledrab · 7

The first line of this write up is what I love about this deck. When I play Dr Strange I want to feel like a WIZARD, but time and again I see decks that railroad him into being a slave to the invocation deck and taking his dog for a walk. I like the feel of blasting the villain with my own power, and recognising that the invocation deck is just one aspect of that. Great job on this one! Thanks!