Colossus (Live Build)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SC0E · 488

Here is the Colossus Justice deck I built on-camera here:

Watch my first play, vs Magneto, here:

Now that we've seen it play one game: if you were continuing to iterate on this deck, what would you change? What cards would you think about taking out, and which cards would you think about adding? What scenario should we take it up against next?

If you don't already own a particular card that's in this list, can you think of one that is in your card pool that might fulfill a similar purpose?

You might notice that this build is rather solo-focused. What would you change if you were playing this with a larger group? Would you find room for more thwart events? Which ones?

Once you've thought about it on your own, compare and contrast with my own thoughts so far: Even though Sonic Rifle didn't perform well in this game, I think it is a solid include (and, by extension, makes PoJ a solid include) because having many redundant sources of confuse is a great safety net for this deck to have. If we hadn't drawn both our Sonic Rifles turn one, and had seen our next copy a turn or two sooner than we drew Steel Fist(s), the game probably would have shaken out in the same general fashion.

After cutting it early, I think we flip enough that Cerebro is definitely worth including! Our training'd allies are pretty sticky. The same may be true of X-Mansion.

You could say that Power in all of Us might be solid because we are playing a bunch of basic cards, and you would be right, but frankly I am just a little bored of playing that card so I won't include it anytime soon XD.