Wolverine - The aggressive protector

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Venomwolf 0 0 0 1.0

Novuzu · 56

Wolverine might seem like the perfect character for aggression. Even tho he deals insane amounts of damage in aggression it's sometimes risky if you can't finish the villain in the first few turns. This build still deals high amounts of damage while healing up doing so. Give it a try and I would appreciate your feedback :)


Nov 15, 2022 Kenji · 15

yeah I have kind of the same idea too. I would have add @hard knocks too!

Nov 15, 2022 pheips · 51

I like the idea and give it a shot. However how does it perform in terms of thwarting? That's always my main concern when playing protection.

Nov 15, 2022 Novuzu · 56

@pheipsI think the thwarting is fine for most scenarios (expect Red Skull and similar scenarios). Having 2 natural thwart is huge and often enough to keep things in check (on top you can use ready effects for 4 thwart per turn. Because there is enough damage from his events, you don't always have to basic attack. I would appreciate some feedback after your playtests.