SP//dr Suit - Draw!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


I sat down and tried to make a deck with a combination of hero/aspect I had not pondered before and ended up here.

I settled on making a deck with lots of card draw to offset SP//DR's small hand size. The plan for this deck is to get allies into play to absorb attacks while the hero rocks away at the villain.

Regroup should keep the allies available to be replayed for their card draw bonus.


Mutagen Formula - Standard, Solo - Symbiotic Strength

The Hood - Standard, Solo - (modulars that entered play) Goblin Gear, Space Pirates, Legions of Hydra, Sinister Assault


Nov 04, 2022 Telcontar · 469

Leadership card draw but no Strength In Numbers?

Nov 05, 2022 LACK OF SUBTLETY · 958

In playing the deck, I have been finding less use for Ready to Rumble, you could easily swap out those 2 cards for Strength In Numbers.