Cyclops - Trained X-Men

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Boots · 9

The core card in this deck is Danger Room. My strategy is to mulligan aggressively for Danger Room and get it onto the field as quickly as possible. I'll typically stay in alter-ego the first round just to get the higher hand size and use Constant Training twice before flipping. Being able to use Danger Room to buff your allies with Danger Room Training is huge, especially with X-Mansion and Game Time that lets you heal your allies. Team Training is also a great buff that keeps your allies on the table throughout the game. I use two copies of Rapid Response in case I need an ally to defend, but I typically use Cyclops to defend. Rapid Response and Game Time are also Tactics cards that can be searched for using Constant Training.

Cerebro is great as I am consistently hitting allies with there being 10 total allies in the deck. However, it gets even better with Phoenix on the field. By far the best ally in this deck is Wolverine. He hits hard, heals himself, and has piercing. He is typically the target for X-Mansion and Game Time, and is responsible for most of the damage output in the deck. Besides him, the other allies I focus on are Beast, Phoenix, Professor X, Angel, Colossus, and Polaris. Banshee, Blindfold, and Nightcrawler will probably be the first to get cut when more X-Men get released.

I have only played this deck in Standard and Solo mode, so it hasn't been tested against more challenging scenarios, but I'd imagine it would hold its own.

This deck will get even better with Forge, as he'll be able to tutor for the key support cards in the deck. Uncanny X-Men will be a great replacement for Team Training, and "To me, My X-Men!" will definitely find a home in here somewhere.

This deck is a blast and it feels more like an X-Men deck than just a Cyclops deck.