Colossus - Comrades in Arms

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 665

Looking at Colossus he seems like he’s good at two things, hitting and getting here. I wanted to do something different, and thought that Allies was a good way to go. The nice thing about Colossus is that he makes himself Tough, so he doesn’t have to use his Allies to block at all. He can get them out, let them do their thing and soak up attacks with his Tough cards.

There’s 4 parts of this deck:

Allies Ally Support Resources Events.


First off, this deck runs all the Allies that makes sense in Aggression that come in the X-Men flavor. It’s important that they’re X-Men for the support cards. Professor X got the boot because of his impermanent nature, but if you’re up against a Scheme focused scenario I’d recommend popping him in there.

Ally Support This deck runs the full suite of X-Men support cards. Cerebro, Utopia, X-Mansion and Danger Room. Utopia is great here because you want your allies to stick around, which X-Mansion will help you out with too. Cerebro helps you find Allies and Danger Room gets them equipped with Attack Training. Lastly there’s Boot Camp to boost the Attack of all Allies. While it is an expensive card, the fact that you want to keep your allies on board makes it worth it.

Resources Double resources, duh. But also 3 resource generators* because the 4 hand size can certainly hurt you. Team-Building Exercise, Deft Focus and The X-Jet. TBE is fantastic here because not only does it help you get allies out, but many of your supports have the X-Men trait too. Deft Focus works with many of the Hero cards (7) but also with the Limitless Stamina. That’s about 1/4 deck and allows you really to get an extra card out when you’re doing your Ally thing too. X-Jet is basically a no brainer in any X-Men deck.

Events I mentioned Limitless Stamina because it’s “free” with Deft Focus. There’s also Team Strike which has two benefits. One, your Allies get to attack without consequential damage, but you get to spread out the damage as you see fit. Great for taking down a mass of minions or just throttling the Villains. There’s also Smash the Problem in case Threat gets out of hand. With Combat Training and Titanium Muscles you can clear out 4 Threat.

The way the deck works is get your setup out ASAP, as always. Get your allies out while you can and don’t bin them. The deck has enough, but not a ton. They’re out just murder everything.
