Green Eggs & Web Kicks

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Board Game Lawyer · 250

Spider-Man Deck built especially for the Solo Champions League vs Standard The Hood.

Basic Strategy. Manage threat on the Main Scheme and not allowing 1B to advance.

Spider-Man dodges attacks and damage using his "Green Egg" cards. (Zero cost events)

Swinging Web Kicks are the primary means of damaging the Villain.

Grey Allies are here to (decending order):

  1. Manage threat - Highest Priority
  2. Soak up additional attacks (Hood loves attacking)
  3. damage the Villain

I managed to complete this 3 game challenge with 3 wins with a mostly clean board state and good health.