SP//dr Suit - Go Big or Go Home

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

rayvern · 39

Sp//dr doesn't need any in hand resources at all. Her own kit supplies a minimum of 5 resources every turn and you definitely want to avoid having her small hand filled with unplayable "Power Ofs" or Double Resource cards.

Bolstered by the extra resources out of Heli and Prowess, Peni has no problem playing all drawn cards every single turn - this is often more cards the you would expect (off the back of Symbiote, mansion, and the Web Warriors), particularly if you run into an All Systems Go.

Honed Technique is always worth the value, since Peni has three on the table Mental Generators - there no reason not to get the extra thought punch in.

Her ability to Act AND recover on a flip minimises your AE time (and the Downtime allows a much quicker return to Symbiote levels of health at 12HP recovered while she is AE at a cost of 2 wild resources equivalent) - Symbiote Suit is def a "Win More" card though - worth holding until her own kit is down.