SP//DR - Side Schemes (Red Skull Variant)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SpydrPg · 8

This Justice deck for SP//DR was built to tackle all the various side schemes in a matchup against Red Skull. However, with slight tweaks (covered below) this deck should also be viable against most villain matchups that include several side schemes.

Playtesting: Played with "Ant-Man - Death by Ants" against standard Red Skull with the Sinister Assault and Whispers of Paranoia modular.

Strategy: As always with SP//DR, prioritize her interface upgrades. Though expensive, VEN#M is a very powerful ally. Use of the zero-cost scheme upgrades (Overwatch, Followed, and Chance Encounter) provide cheap but useful effects. Beat Cop isn't the best card given its slow ramp up, but over time it can be helpful, especially if you get stunned or exhausted at a bad time. Ghost-Spider is a very good ally because she will likely allow you to get an extra use of All Systems Go! each deck-cycle.

Deck Downsides: Very dependent on side schemes being in play. Early game, the side scheme upgrades are nice as they're cheap, but late-game they're less impactful compared to immediate events.

Potential Card Swaps: For non-Red Skull matchups, replace some of the side scheme upgrades with One Way or Another for more card draw. Keep Overwatch though. Sonic Rifle will allow you to more easily flip to alter-ego. Quasar isn't a necessary ally and could be replaced by an additional event, support, or upgrade. For Red Skull, however, he is very useful.