Agent Venom's Confusing Thwart Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DannyMuffin · 7

Morning, sunshine. What?

I'm awake.

Missed me.

I'm awake. Here you go.

You can have it back. Thank...

Oh, wow, you're wearing a suit. Yes!

I love it when you wear the suit. Thank you.

I have depositions today in the Life Foundation case.

Hey, let me know how your meeting goes.

My meeting?

Oh, shit. Yeah.

My meeting.

Coffee. Oh. Mmm!

You are perfect. Thank you.

Hey, you know what... You know what night it is tonight, right? Date night.

Mmm-hmm. So, I will pick you up around, uh, 6:00.

And please do not forget your helmet.

Oh, I'm glad that you like it, 'cause I plan on wearing it at our wedding.

That's hot.

Feed the cat.

I will.

I love you!

Love you, too. Feed the cat.

Eddie Brock with boots on the ground today in the Mission District, chasing a lead into some...

Everybody knows how our Silicon Valley overlords at Google and Facebook... Last time, I was poking around asking uncomfortable questions...

Homelessness is only increasing into the thousands...

Eddie Brock here reporting today from downtown Oakland, where massive demonstrations have taken over the streets.

I've been chasing this real-estate bribery story for a few weeks now.

This is gonna piss you off. ...all being strong-armed...

Medical examiner has yet to determine cause of death, due to the condition of the body, but you don't wind up at the bottom of a landfill due to natural causes, so it seems that the city doesn't care about these people any more than the killer does.

I'm Eddie Brock, and this is The Brock Report.