Adam Warlock - Best Boy (SCL s11r4)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jarratt · 28

Solo Champions League Season 11, round 4 versus Loki, Legions of Hel and Black Order with help from Odin, Norn Stone, Shawarma and Lady Sif.

I went 3-0 with this deck in Expert (Expert 2 was just too swingy with Loki) in 7/8/8. All clean with lots of health.

Adam Warlock is both tricky and fun to build combos with. For this matchup Cosmo could target the infinity stone deck to stay infinite so getting a bunch of upgrades on him and attacking into Loki up to 2 times a turn with Command Team was always going to be the prime source of damage.

Aside from Quantum Magic the hero events in Adam's deck were mostly afterthoughts and I focused on his upgrades first and foremost. From there everything else is a little combo with synergy for the scenario.

For example I used Teamwork to get the most out of Odin king and keep him on the board and Make the Call and Chance Encounter to cycle Lady Syf over and over. Knowhere was all about increasing the ally limit and getting some card advantage from the various Guardian Allies, and the other allies all pretty much come with their own card advantage.

The riskiest thing in the entire game is knowing when to hit Alter Ego (you likely will need to at least once) and when to advance Loki because another scheme is coming out.

All in all it was a lot of fun.