Gamora Solo - Damage Burst

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

krautbammer · 125

Less minion heavy build for Gamora.

Swapped Into the Fray for Uppercut. And swapped Avengers Mansion for another Honed Technique to get it to the table more reliably.

This gets the most out of Uppercut. With Gamora's Keen Instincts and it's resource generation it's easy to get the resource needed to proc Honed Technique.

Counter-Punch helps proc her hero ability during the villain phase.

For Justice! can be swapped for Impede. Personal preference, but this gives more easy to play thwart events.

Ironheart and Vivian are easy to play chump blocks when drawn and also have helpful abilities for cheap.