Wasp Agg - A tiny overkill

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Wasp - Draining Stings 45 34 7 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

sanare124 · 57

Excess damage as a theme

Wasp is a good base to explore the theme of excess damage as 3 copies of Pinpoint Strike offer good innate overkill capabilities. In this deck, we will push the limit of excess damage. We aim to

  1. exploit excess damage to achieve various goals such as drawing more cards and reducing threats.

  2. Buff the excess damage as much as possible

We will start by discussing the payoffs of excess damage and how to generate damage efficiently. We will then move on to discuss the rest of the deck which supports this theme either by buffing the excess damage or spawning minions to defeat.

Core cards

  • Pinpoint Strike - does high damage and points the excess damage straight at the villain's face.

  • Into the Fray - reduces threats using excess damage.

  • No Quarter - draws more cards using excess damage.

The above cards are core to the deck as they both generate damage and are themselves payoff for dealing excess damage.

Moment of Triumph while unable to generate damage itself, is also a standout payoff as you can heal a bunch from excess damage.

Deal more excess damage

By themselves, the core cards only deal 8/5/4 damage. To truly exploit their utilities, we need to deal out more excess damage. This is where Follow Through and Honed Technique come in handy. We deliberately picked core cards with a cost of 3 to maximize the effects of the Honed Technique.

Ingenuity and Martial Prowess help pay for the specific requirements of Honed Technique and No Quarter.

Spawning minions

I intend to play in multiplayer so spawning minions is normally not an issue but this deck also includes Angela which spawns a minion when played. Angela can also be recycled back into the deck using Nadia Van Dyne's G.I.R.L. ability making it a better candidate than Looking for Trouble.

Right card at the right time

Plan of Attack is very useful when digging for a specific core card. Each of the three core cards offers a different utility and Plan of Attack can search for the one you need right now.

This deck utilises Nadia Van Dyne's G.I.R.L. ability to recycle core cards such as Pinpoint Strike and No Quarter. Plan of Attack can also be recycled and since we will be flipping between Nadia and Wasp a lot, it also maximises the effectiveness of Plan of Attack.

Some notes on gameplay

Although it might be tempting to jump straight into the fight with the core cards. You will get more benefits from setting up first. Helicarrier/Quincarrier/Martial Prowess/Ingenuity allows you to play 2 core cards a turn. Whereas a full set of Follow Through and Honed Technique offers an extra 6 points of excess damage.

Most core cards can be recycled with Nadia Van Dyne's G.I.R.L. so it pays to be patient!


Jul 13, 2022 meesh11p · 1

Love this idea! So many wasp decks are giant focused so tiny overkill sounds like a breath of fresh air. Definitely gonna try this out.

Jul 18, 2022 sanare124 · 57

@meesh11p Thanks for having a look at my deck!

I recommend playing this in multiplayer as Follow Through and Honed Technique take some time to set up (think Iron Man)

These set-up are worth it tthough seeing your No Quarter drawing you an entire new hand and smashing in with multiple Pinpoint Strike is truly a blast :).