Spectrum Aggression SCL S11 R2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Spectrum- Honed Bomb 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

DHaus · 2

Solo Champions League Season 11 Round 2 Players locked into Spectrum vs standard Tower Defense. Of the four players in my alliance, I chose to play her with aggression to try the new Honed Technique card.

Basic strategy is mulligan hard and use Assess the Situation to get Honed Technique on the board. Mostly stay in Photon form to keep Proxima’s side scheme from ever advancing and damaging the tower. Flip to AE everytime Corvus is going to activate. The extra encounter card is worth the extra health and extra card!

Had pretty solid results, even if two games weren’t clean boards. If I were a more patient player, I probably could have given it another round or two to clean the board. But finishing with a Dive Bomb for 16-21 damage was always fun! Here are my results:

  • [ ] Round 1 win. 5 turns. 0 villain health. 11 hero health. 3 threat. 4 damage on tower. Played 2 melee and 1 dive bomb. Early caught off guard stole my quin Carrier. Vivian blanked Schwarma place. Haha
  • [ ] Round 2 win. 5 turns. 0 villain health. 13 hero health. 4 threat. 3 damage on tower. Would have been clean but got two surprise side schemes in final villain phase and didn’t feel like playing it out.
  • [ ] Round 3 win. 6 turns. 0 villain health. 14 hero health. 0 threat. 5 damage on tower. No honed technique or dive bomb this round. Couple of melee’s. Brawn MVP!