A Doggo A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

gengarwho · 7

Heard a streamer doing a chump blocker/cheap ally discussion and they mentioned that cosmo can mill the top card of the invocation deck to basically attack for free, I already like mystic decks that are effectively mono basic with a splash of another colour but leadership has the best things to add in.

Effectively what we want to do with this deck is to play out Cosmo with either our large hand size/Spiritual Meditation/Summoning Spell and then load them up with upgrades that boost their attack and thwart. This lets us get extra value off readying Cosmo because we aren't just poking a bunch of times for 1, this means that we are paying 0 and a card with Get Ready or using a counter from Command Team to basically deal 3 damage or thwart and dig us closer to our draw 3 or whichever invocation we want.

Most of our damage will be coming from Cosmo and our invocation deck. If you can get away with it spend a little extra time in alter ego early game so you can dig towards your building up of table resources. Generally you won't be blocking with Cosmo or Wong but you can stun or confuse fairly easily and with the ability to gain 2-3 life a turn by exhausting Wong for his alternate use we should be able to stay in the game once we get going.

You cycle your deck a lot and get those extra encounter cards but thwarting isn't an issue if you're hitting side schemes and the invocation deck has fairly nicely costed damage and thwart cards with status included so you can deal with pretty much anything.

Try and hold onto Protective Ward when you can to make sure you can deal with any treacheries that would interupt your game plan or force you to take a double attack.

I still don't quite get Magical Enhancements and I've only ever used it to support a friend but it didn't seem super useful as I generally don't basic action with Strange and just play from the invocation deck.

anyway seems fine for solo so enjoy I guess.


Jun 02, 2022 nofixedabode · 1

You'll need to add Honorary Avenger in order to play Sky Cycle on Cosmo, as he's not an Avenger ally. You could also add Power Gloves in order to do one additional damage per round whether you attack or thwart. And if you add Mighty Avengers, and play Honorary Avenger on both Cosmo and Wong, Cosmo will get +1 to attack and thwart while you're in Hero form due to all characters having Avenger trait.

Jun 02, 2022 gengarwho · 7

Oh I was using skycycle for wong only to heal or get through the invocation deck quicker

Jun 02, 2022 journeyman2 · 24732

Wong would also need Honorary Avenger before Sky Cycle

Jun 02, 2022 gengarwho · 7

Oh nevermind I’ll cut it then I’ll jam another mise of something useful, thank you! I don’t know why I assumed they were both avengers!

Jun 02, 2022 nofixedabode · 1

Sky Cycle on Cosmo means you can ready once every turn regardless of which cards you happen to draw, which speeds milling the invocation deck same as putting it on Wong would. I've got a similar Dr Strange deck paired with an aggression deck to add an extra +6 or so attack to Cosmo, and find I rarely worry about healing beyond using Strange's built in recovery, and being able to do 20 attack per turn minimum using Sky Cycle is very powerful.