
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Doc_H · 21

I built this for Con of Heroes 2022, which I'm looking forward to attending. It's also my first published deck--I'm a longtime lurker here.

SOLO It works well in solo because Ghost-Spider's cards have some inherent thwarting (Phantom Flip) and with the ability to flex in more cards like Chase Them Down (up to three if the scenario warrants) and also "You'll Pay for That!", it can handle the thwarting long enough to succeed in solo. And she's great at attacking even without adding the whole Aggression thing.

MULTI But I love it in multiplayer, since Ghost-Spider should trigger at least three times every turn. My take on her math is it's best to attack twice and defend once (and ready), if only to be able to attack twice again the following round. If forced to defend twice, then that second defense usually comes at the cost of two attacks. I prefer to take my own attack undefended and then defend-ready for a teammate. Also, Ghost-Spider shines at mowing down weaker minions (it's possibly to basic attack Minion A, use Ghost Kick on Minion B, basic attack Minion C, use another Ghost Kick on Minion D) to allow your teammates to focus heavy strikes on the villain. But, Ghost-Spider can also simply target the villain with those moves, too. The flexibility is nice.

GOALS I try to spend at least one pass through my deck simply holding the villain to as little progress as possible, dispatching side quests/minions, and building my board state. During that first pass, I focus on building up my side. Besides giving me more options/ability/power, it also thins the deck down to those precious response/interrupt events. This translates to putting how Upgrades, Supports, and possibly allies.

SUPPORT/UPGRADES Web-Bracelet are obviously a huge part of Ghost-Spider's engine regardless of aspect or style of play. They feed the machine. George Stacy is how I can store events and functionally increase my handsize. It's important to keep a defensive response/interrupt either on George or in your hand--you never want to enter your turn exhausted after just one basic defense. I want either Jarnbjorn or Hand Cannon in play to facilitate Mean Swing. I want Combat Training to increase each basic attack. Plan B helps cycle cards through my hand as well as aids in weaker minion control and removal of tough status.

TICKET TO THE MULTIVERSE This upgrade deserves special attention. The first two or three passes through my deck, I don't want to put Ticket to the Multiverse into play since the 2 resources are nice. But later, when the deck is thin and you can start to smell the end game approaching, I will install it to get ready for a big (and hopefully final) turn.

ALLIES I don't use a lot of allies. Bug is nice because he provides a small trickle economy of attack/thwart as needed, especially since you should be attacking at least once if not twice per round. He's great for TOUGH status removal. I sometimes sub in Marvel Boy (for the resource to feed Jarnbjorn) or sometimes Throg, but I usually go without any non-Bug ally. WIth a goal of three activations per turn, they usually just aren't needed. The one upside is getting them into play also helps thin your deck down to all resources and events.

EVENTS And now we're down to what makes Ghost-Spider go. I prioritize zero- or one-cost events so that their disappearance during the Villain phase isn't that big of a deal. Obviously, I'm also loading up on Interrupt and Response ability events in order to ready Ghost-Spider. Phantom Flip and Web Binding do such a great job nullifying the villain, allowing other choices to focus on doling out damage.


May 15, 2022 Marctimmins89 · 298

Do you dins that you use Plan B much? I quickly lumped it in with Jarnbjorn - occasionally useful but I despise having to throw cards away. I have the same problem using Cap's ability.

May 15, 2022 Doc_H · 21

@Marctimmins89 It plays several roles. Primarily as a lever for Mean Swing but occasionally as a way to get rid of a TOUGH status on the villain if Bug is busy or thirdly as a way to get rid of a weak minion. The other role it and Jarnbjorn serve is to get installed in order to trim down the deck size for faster cycling.