Quicksilver 6 Allies Draw

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Quicksilver Leadership 1 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

saintetna · 1

Overall Goal (How to Win):

  1. Have 6 allies in play
  2. Have Friction Resistance and Reinforced Sinew in play
  3. Start the round with Strength in Numbers. Drawing 6 cards; which means you have 10/11 cards left in hand. Among these 10 cards; ideally you have 2 or 3 copies of Always Be Running, 1 copy of Maximum Velocity and 1 copy of Speed Cyclone. This will allow you to Attack 4 or 5 times. With each attack hitting for 5 damage. That will total to 20 or 25 of villains health
  4. If you also draw Avengers Assemble!, that's cherry on top of the cake. As that 6 allies will hit for a total of around 12 damages, Most of the time though, that would not be needed.

Early Game Goals:

  1. Play Support and Upgrades. If Squirrel Girl comes out, play her, and keep her alive.
  2. Double Time is crucial in keeping threats down early game, and sometimes minions too
  3. Make the Call is also useful for calling in Squirrel Girl or Scarlet Witch

Deck Weakness:

  1. In the early game a lot of time and resources will be spent on building the Support and Upgrade cards. Almost all of them will be needed for the deck. If you match up with a villain with a faster tempo, ironically Quicksilver might be too slow to react.
  2. In the late game, when all alloes and support & upgrades are in play. Sometimes that thick hand, will be a lot of resources and nothing to use.