Black Widow, Director of SHIELD

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SpiderMana · 54

The new SHIELD cards from Sinister Motives are getting everyone excited for a new Justice archetype. But we can't forget that Agent 13 is Basic, and Leadership has a good amount of SHIELD support in Maria Hill, Command Team, and even The Triskelion. The last one isn't very useful on it's own, but it's something to play with Government Liaison, and can also be exhausted for a free +1 THW/ATK on Dum Dum Dugan, without losing out on any other value!

Thanks to Rapid Response (and Agent 13 allowing you to use Safe House #29 twice a turn, making it ridiculously easy to always be prepared), you can ensure your ally of choice is always at hand, whether it be Sharon, Dum Dum, or in those 3-4 player games, Maria!

If your response time isn't quite rapid enough, Dum Dum and Sharon might need help to stick around for an extra turn. United We Stand is included with Expert gameplay in mind, but it could easily be swapped for Inspiring Presence if you prefer even more readies and don't need/don't have access to the extra healing value the former offers.


Apr 12, 2022 Schmendrix · 5475
